Spring break

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We went to Myrtle Beach for spring break since our family owned a beach house. Plus, I thought Kaylee could use the distraction. Jaime was still working on the case with Martinez. His lawyer wasn't budging.

Caleb thought it was best if Kaylee didn't return to work until the fall. With the investigation, her injuries, classes, and therapy, we knew she needed a break.

We drove to Myrtle Beach and pulled up to the beach house. Our parents and cousins made sure they kept up with any repairs. Our family replaced furniture, appliances, and other items when they broke or needed replacing. For years, the house remained in our family and gave us a comforting feel every time we came here.

Everyone got settled, then we would grab food until we could hit the grocery store. I even invited Nora to come, figuring it would help Kaylee. Plus, why stay back when you can have fun?

I looked at Kaylee, who sat on the bed after setting her bag down.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think a vacation from everything is what the doctor ordered," Kaylee answered, grinning.

I sat down next to Kaylee on the bed.

"You went through a lot," I mentioned.

"Yes, but I had a great support system," Kaylee reminded me, nudging my shoulder with hers. "I can't stop living my life because some asshole thought he could hurt me. If I do, then he wins. I don't want him to win."

"You amaze me," I commented.

"Why?" Kaylee asked.

"Because with everything you went through, you still got back up," I mentioned.

"I learned the person who keeps us from moving forward or succeeding is ourselves. Most situations are out of our control while the majority aren't," Kaylee reasoned.

I looked at Kaylee. She knew what she could control and what she couldn't.

"Presley, we are responsible for our actions and how we react to situations. It's not our responsibility to handle other people's behavior. Unless the situation directly impacts us, all we can do is the right thing," Kaylee explained.

"That makes sense," I reasoned.

"It's not complicated. People make it that way. Human nature is unpredictable," Kaylee said with a look.

I couldn't disagree. I stood up and held out my hand. Kaylee took it, and we left the bedroom. All of us went to an outdoor cafe and ordered dinner. It was nice to spend time with everyone before Payton, Parker, and Markus graduates. Next year, more of us would finish our last year and move onto the next chapter of our lives.


I ate dinner while everyone talked. Mason nudged me. I turned to look at him.

"You didn't deserve how I treated you," Mason told me.

I looked at Mason while I ate.

"I let my anger control me when I made you choose. For that, I'm sorry," Mason apologized.

"Mason, I never wanted to hurt you. What we had in high school was a brief romance, but that's all it was. People change and move onto a new chapter in their lives," I reasoned.

"Yeah, it took me a while to understand that. Maybe one day, you'll get your happiness," Mason reasoned.

"I don't think that'll happen. If I learned anything, most people get their happiness while I won't," I said, shrugging.

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