Sitri/Gremory Sports Tournament

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Issei panted roughly with every step he took. Y/n was far ahead of him and Rias wasn't too far behind.

Issei: "Can this be over already! I feel like my knees are gonna be liquid soon enough!"

Y/n: "Just a bit farther, dipshit!"

Rias: "We'll stop in the park!"


Both Y/n and Rias laughed at his reaction before they finally reached the park. Issei face planted onto the ground with a thud while Y/n hung by his legs upside-down on the monkey bars.

Issei: "You've gotta... Remember that... I'm fuckin' weak!"

Rias: "And with time you'll grow stronger. Imagine if you hadn't been training with Y/n. You'd be leagues behind everyone, but you're actually doing pretty good."

Y/n: "I'm intending for him to be able to take a rook on by the end of the month."

Issei: "YOU'RE CRUEL!!"

Y/n: "Last I checked I'm your brother, asshole."

Issei deadpanned before they heard someone running over. Asia was jogging over to them with some metal decanters in her arms.

Rias smiled and walked over to help her out. A few moments later and the four of them were sat at one of the park benches.

Issei: "Wait, HUH!?"

Y/n: "You're one of us now too, Asia?"

Asia: "Yes. I asked Rias if she would let me be part of her peerage and thankfully she agreed after a few attempts."

Y/n: "That's awesome. Your sacred gear allows you to heal things, right?"

Asia: "Mhm! Twilight healing, one of the greatest blessings I've ever received."

Y/n smirked before turning to Rias.

Y/n: "How many times did she ask y- Huh?"

Y/n noticed that Rias was completely spaced out in her seat.

Y/n: "Hello? Earth to Gremory?"

Rias flinched before her smile returned.

Rias: "S-Sorry about that. Got a bit distracted."

Y/n sighed before leaning against the table.

Y/n: "Tell me what's going on, Rias. No more secrets, remember?"

Rias: "... Of course. Yes, I did promise that, didn't I? Very well, but you have to remain calm for this."

Y/n: "I'll try my damnedest."

Rias: "The truth is... I'm engaged to someone."

Y/n's face turned pale at the news, however he quickly regained himself as he remembered her expression when she spaced out.

Y/n: "I assume it's one you don't want to be part of?"

Rias: "That's putting it mildly, but yes. I have no intention of marrying that creature that calls himself a devil. Gremlin's a bit more appropriate."

Y/n sighed in relief before Rias stood up, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly and for Issei to go into horny mode.

Y/n: "... Nerolyth?"

Nerolyth: "Baseball bat?"

Y/n: "Yup."

Nerolyth: "Wooden or metal?"

Y/n: "Metal."

A metal baseball bat then formed in Y/n's hand and he swiftly bonked Issei over the back of the head with it, creating a very satisfying ding sound.

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