The Blueberry Comes Home

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The two exorcists were standing inside of the ORC clubroom as Rias sat across from them. Xenovia's glare was evident as Uriel had a softer gaze.

Uriel: "I see my brother is as fashionably late as usual. I also don't see Bartzabel yet."

???: "I just got here, Uriel."

Uriel turned to the doorway and saw the Angel of Annihilation standing with his arms crossed as his hair covered half of his face.

Bartzabel towered over everyone else present at seventeen feet tall. The door was then opened by Y/n and Issei as they walked in with Asia and Koneko.

Koneko: "Sorry we're late. Sona and Y/n were arranging a study session."

Y/n: "I kinda need it. Haven't been able to focus on my studies as much as usual."

Rias: "It's fine. I suppose that's partly my fault for keeping you so busy as of late."

Xenovia's eyes widened as Y/n hugged Rias with a smile. He took a seat next to her before relaxing.

Rias: "Anyway, Y/n. This is Uriel and Bartzabel. The angels of War and Annihilation respectively."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you both."

Uriel: "At least you devils aren't complete savages like those of the Old Satan faction."

Rias: "Yes, we've since gained four new devil kings. My brother is one of them. However since his return, lord Samael has been given a measure of power."

Bartzabel: "Makes sense. Where is the smug bastard anyway?"

Y/n: "Hold on a sec."

Y/n brought his phone out before Dialling Allia.

Allia: "Hello, Y/n. You need something?"

Y/n: "Is dad down in Kyoto with you?"

Allia: "Yes, why?"

Y/n: "Put me on speaker for a second."

Allia did as her son asked and put the phone on speaker before Y/n spoke again.


Samael: "OH SHIT!!"

There was an audible laugh as Samael teleported away from Kyoto. The crimson circle appeared in the middle of the ORC and Samael appeared in a burst of flame while Bartzabel stifled a laugh.

Y/n: "Thanks, mom."

Allia: "No problem. I'll be in town again in a few days, just need to sort things out with Yasaka. So we can catch up then, okay?"

Y/n chuckled before saying goodbye and hanging up. Samael at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

Uriel: "I'm surprised, Samael. Wasn't it you who said not to be a stranger?"

There was a knock from the door and Freya and Evelyn walked in. Both of them unnerved by the Archangel, Primordial Fallen and Primordial Demon.

Rias: "Everyone's here now. Good. We can begin."

Uriel: "Alright. As was mentioned, I am Uriel. I and these two exorcists will be representing the church."

Irina: "Lady Uriel, Can I do something before we begin?"

Uriel: "Go ahead."

Irina smiled before walking over to Y/n and hugging him.

Y/n: "I'm confused."

Xenovia: "Irina. Do you know him?"

Y/n's eyes widened both at the voice and the name.

Y/n: "Wait, Irina Shidou?"

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