Just Like Old Times

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The students of class 2-B were all on edge as their new tenticular teacher slithered about at the front of the room. Ni and Li took notes while occasionally looking at the floor to make sure they weren't about to end up in a hentai situation. Karma just laughed as he noted down only the most important information. He looked over and saw Y/n taking photos of the board so he didn't need to write anything down.

Korosensei then turned back to his class.

Korosensei: "Alright. That'll about do it for this lesson. Next up is P.E. I have something very special lined up for you all. ASSASSINATION DRILLS!"

Everyone: "... Eh?"

Y/n and Karma burst out laughing at everyone's confusion before Karma flashed his sinister grin at Korosensei.

Karma: "I hope you haven't forgotten that Y/n and I were two of your star pupils in the assassin department."

Korosensei: "Oh, I know. Which is why I'll have you two leading sparring sessions."

The two looked at each other before fist-bumping and getting up to go change for P.E. The rest of the male students followed suit and they got into their gym kit in the changing rooms.

After about fifteen minutes, everyone was ready in the track field. A few girls and guys complained that it was incredibly cold out, however Korosensei's rebuttal was that they'd warm up as they exercised.

He then had half of the class run around the track for three laps while the other half practiced knife technique.

Y/n and Karma were kept separate until Katase and Motohama were sent over to them.

Motohama: "Korosensei said we're supposed to spar."

Y/n: "Karma, you take Motohama. No mercy, make him work to even breathe."

Karma chuckled before cracking his fingers and walking opposite Motohama while Y/n got into stance across from Katase. Katase was part of the kendo club, and was a tournament champion. A skilled opponent, one that Y/n had a lot of respect for.

However gender equality was calling him, so as Katase rushed at him with a very elegant stabbing motion, he quickly grabbed her right hand before twisting it and kicking her foot out from under her, knocking her balance off and causing her to fall to the ground. He then put one knee on her chest and made a stabbing motion down towards her throat, stopping millimetres away from her neck.

He then got off of her and held his hand out for her to take. She smiled and took his hand as he helped her up. She got dusted off as Motohama screamed as he was tackled and rammed into the floor at full speed by Karma. The redhead got up, having successfully knocked his opponent out before walking over to Y/n and Katase.

Y/n: "Your stance was good, Katase. But this isn't kendo. Assassination's a whole other ball game. Strength and cunning are your best friends when dealing with this. Your opponent WILL fight dirty to win the fight. Don't forget, you're going for the kill."

Katase nodded and made mental notes on Y/n's feedback while Motohama struggled to his feet.

Motohama: "Yo, Karma. How'd I do?"

Karma: "Absolutely crap. I barely broke a sweat. Get stronger and learn how to actually fight, then you can get a second attempt."

Karma laughed as Motohama walked back over to the others. Next to step up to the sparring area was Issei and Murayama.

Y/n: "Karma, you handle Murayama. I've got Issei."

Karma: "Ah, yes. Fratricide!"

Y/n chuckled before standing in front of Issei. The two nodded at each other before both of them suddenly appeared right in the middle of where they were once stood. Issei managed to get a decent right hook off on Y/n's face, however Y/n countered with a knee to the jaw.

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