Chapter Nine

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Harper snuck into the kitchens and since most of the servants knew and favored her, they let her grab a plate of food and eat before the others. Afterwards, she thanked them and left the kitchens. She went into the courtyard and waited for the others to arrive. She spotted Hermione first.

Hermione was wearing a periwinkle blue dress and a blue feathery mask. Something that threw Harper off at first was Hermione's hair. It wasn't bushy at all like it was at school. It was straightened and put up in a bun.

"You look amazing, 'Mione!"

"You do too, Harper!" She exclaimed. "Quite a party, right? Where's Kasumi?"

"She's working... as a servant. I wish she could hang out, but her parents would get mad."

"Who has their kid work for their party? Sound kind of cruel and brutal..." Hermione frowned. Harper shrugged.

"We should wait for Harry and Ron and Neville!"


One by one, they slowly arrived. Harry had a cheap mask with a suit that looked too big on him. Ron came with a worn down suit and a red and orange mask. Neville was looking better than all of them. He wore a suit that matched him perfectly and his mask was silver with designs all over it.

"Woah... Hermione... you look..." Ron said. Hermione giggled.

"Neville, you look amazing!" Harper said.

He blushed. "You look too! Er——I mean——great you look! I mean! You——look——great!"

"Awh!" Harper hugged him.

"Wow, you all——"

"Look very——"


It was Fred and George. They wore matching purple suits and masks. Standing next to them was a little girl with red hair and freckles.

"Hi, I'm Harper. You are?" Harper looked at her.

The girl beamed. "Ginny Weasley."

"You're the little sister, right?"

She nodded.

"Cool. Anyways, let's go to the back, guys! I've got something cool to show you."

They headed inside the Estate and when they reached the grand staircase, Harper rushed them all up before anyone could catch them.

"H—Harper, we could get caught." Neville said nervously.

"Come on, we gotta be brave! But don't worry, I know this place like the back of my hand." Harper looked down at her hand.

"You did not draw floor plans for this place, did you?" Hermione stared at her.

"Relax. I was kidding."

They headed down a hall and Harper reached a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. Harper smirked and opened the portrait. The others gasped.

"Get in." She said.

When they did, Harper closed the portrait behind her. They trudged silently down the tunnel until they reached a ladder. Harper climbed up first and opened the trapdoor. She beckoned the others to climb up.

Fred and George went first with Ron tailing behind them with Harry. Hermione climbed up, a worried look on her face. Ginny climbed up, making sure her dress doesn't get torn and Neville climbed up last.

They were behind the stone wall of the whole Estate.

"Woah... where are we?" Harry asked.

"Behind Kasumi's mansion. Her family owns all of this."

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