Watching more than pokemon

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Over the years, Tracey has filled many sketchbooks will all manner of drawings of Pokémon that he had come across and had the honor to capture in the pages. Although, little did anyone know, there was a very special sketchbook that had very little to do with Pokémon and more to do with a girl. Specifically, a redhead gym leader friend of his.

He was currently going through the large collection of books that had fallen over. It was a bit of a mess, but it gave him the chance to go through them. Maybe even see if there were any he should get rid of. What better time, right?

After a bit with little progress in cleaning the mass of sketchbooks, he got a visitor. One he was always happy to see.

"Tracey?" Misty called as she entered the room, unsure if he was in there.

"Hi Misty. What are you doing here?" Tracey popped into view.

"Just came by for a visit. Professor Oak told me what happened and I thought I would help out." Misty replied and began to collect some in her hands.

"Thanks." Tracey smiled. "That would be great."

Misty returned the smile and stepped further into the room. They continued to pick of the scattered sketchbooks. Misty hummed a little tune as she picked up each book until she couldn't hold anymore.

"So, where do you want me to put them?" Misty asked.

"Well, I still have to go through them, so just stack them in the corner." Tracey responded.

"Would you like help with that? I'm sure it would go a lot fast with an extra set of hands. Plus, we could officially hangout afterwards." Misty offered.

"You don't have to do that." Tracey stated. "It will take a while and I'm sure you have better things to do."

"Hey, I want to do it. Besides, I could use a break from my sisters and the gym challengers for a while. I came to hangout after all." Misty assured.

"Well, thank you." Tracey replied.

So, the two managed to stack the large accumulated of sketchbooks into organized columns in the corner of the room.

"Ok, now what?" Misty asked.

"I guess I should have thought this through more." Tracey scratched the back of his head embarrassed. "Now we kind of have to make a mess again as we go through them."

Misty giggled in response. "Let's get to it then."

"Alright. Well, you might as well get comfortable." Tracey sat down and leaned against the wall. He patted the spot next to him. Misty happily complied and sat down next to him. She passed him a book and took one for herself. "Ok, so for some of the older and not as good, but put them in one pile and for the better ones, keep them in the book."

Misty nodded and got to work and Tracey did the same. He flipped through them quickly, pulling some out and leaving others he was more satisfied with. Misty on the other hand was having trouble finding anything wrong with any of his sketches. To her, they looked absolutely perfect.

She glanced at him and saw that he already had gone through at lease a quarter of the books already. She was still on the first book. Her gaze then fell to the pile of discarded pages. Her eyes widen in surprise. Those drawings looked great, so why was he getting rid of them.

"Hey, Tracey." Misty broke the pleasant silence. He turned to face her, giving his full attention. "How can you tell which of these drawings are worth to keep or get rid of?"

"Well, I mostly just look for flaws or something." Tracey shrugged.

"Are you kidding? All of your drawings look flawless. They always have." Misty motions to the pile before them.

My Orangeshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now