Sisters big plan

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This story was requested by 1ddirectioner93


"Ok, tell me again why I have to be the mermaid for the dumb show. Why couldn't you three just do your usual routine?" Misty grumbled to her sisters. The three girls only smiled back to their sister. "What?"

"It's nothing." Daisy waved her hand dismissively. "We simply thought it would be good to change things up."

"What do you mean 'change things up'?" Misty crossed her arms.

Suddenly, the gym door opened and the four turned to see who had entered. Though the three sisters knew exactly who it was.

"Hi." Tracey greeted.

Misty glared back at her sisters.

"What is he doing here?" Misty growled with a glowing blush.

"We asked him to play the part of the prince for the play." Violet replied.

"Fine. But only because you made changes to the play from last time. At least he will be the one good thing about this." Misty stomped off to Tracey. "Hello Tracey. I'm really sorry for my sisters forcing you to come. You really don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"Are you kidding? I'm happy to do it. Especially with your sisters not feeling well enough to preform." Tracey remarked.

"Oh, are they now." Misty glanced back at her smiling sisters.

Of course them saying they were under the whether was a total lie and Misty knew that. What she didn't know was the plan behind all of this. Misty did have her suspicions but couldn't come up with anything concrete.

"Well regardless, I'm glad it was you they asked. We could even hang out after if you're free." Misty offered.

"That would be great." Tracey smiled.

The three sisters grinned widely as they talked. Their plan seemed to be working out swimmingly. Neither suspended their true intentions. Well, they did know that Misty had some idea but she didn't know everything. Or else she would be screaming up a storm and never would have come near them.

"So, you two ready for rehearsal?" Daisy chirped once just behind the two.

"Sure." Tracey answered.

"Ok, let's just get this over with." Misty stated.

So, they began rehearsing over the next few days. Some in costume, some without, but the sisters never gave away the last part of their little plan. Until it was time for the big performance.

"Are you ready for this?" Misty asked Tracey.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous. There are a lot of people here." Tracey muttered nervously.

"I know, but I will be right there with you. You know your lines and did really well in rehearsals. Just pretend it's just us." Misty placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You two lovebirds ready for the show?" Daisy chirped as she threw her arms around them both.

"Yes but don't call us lovebird!" Misty hissed as she shoved against her sisters arm. "Let's go."

Misty then hopped away in her mermaid costume to get into position.

"She's a real catch, don't you think?" Daisy asked him.

The question was for her own humor, for she knew how the boy felt for her little sister. Now it was just a matter of getting them together.

"W-what? I...I don't know...I mean...Misty is great...she really is...but um..." Tracey stuttered.

"Relax." Daisy patted his shoulder. "You don't have to worry. Especially after today."

Before Tracey could question her, Daisy pushed him out into the stage to begin the show. The play went off without a problem and the audience was loving every second.

It was the final scene and Tracey was holding mermaid Misty in his arms.

"Now, with the mermaid safe in her prince's arms there was only one last thing to do." Daisy narrated to the crowd. "Seal their love with a kiss."

Misty's eyes widened. She mentally kicked herself for not seeing this sooner. Now, she was in a situation like this. Forced to kiss him in front of all these people. She looked to Tracey and saw how nervous he was. But now wasn't the time for nerves. The audience was waiting and the sooner it was done the sooner she could get off this stage and kill her sisters.

"I'm sorry." Misty whispered as she took his face in her hands.

She then placed her lips on his and kissed him. The crowd exploded in an array of cheers and Tracey kissed her back. Though, all the noise faded away for the two on stage. They were in their own little world, aware of nothing else but each other.

"Ok, time for the next part of the plan." Lily grinned evilly.

Misty and Tracey parted just as the curtains were closed and they were pulled back. Both were red in the face as the sisters yanked poor Tracey and shoved them into a walk-in closet.

"You will thank us later." Violet sang as they locked the door.

Within the closest, Tracey set her on her feet, or rather fin, and looked away. Misty did as well and suddenly felt really self concise around him. She tried to cover herself with the hair extensions but it did little to hide her bright red face. Misty didn't know what to think. She had kissed him. She kissed Tracey, the dorky, sweet, kind, goofy guy that she loves.

She glanced back to Tracey to see his face was just a red as hers. He was trying to open the closet door but had no luck.

"Tracey?" Misty murmured.

Tracey froze for a moment before slowly turning back to her.

"Yes?" Tracey asked.

"I...I really am sorry about my sisters. I really didn't know about this and if I did, I never would have agreed to this." Misty informed.

"It's ok...I do we do now?" Tracey rambled, unsure what else to say.

Truth be told, he was hurt by her words. Was the thought of doing this with him really that bad to her? Would they ever be anything more than friends?

"I don't know. I never really know with my sisters." Misty answered.

Then their eyes met and Misty knew what she should do. What she really wanted to do but she's was still afraid.

"Tracey, there's something I should tell you...with all that's happened." Misty sighed.

"Will you just say it already! We didn't do all of this just for you." Daisy yelled through the door.

Misty sent a glare at the door but didn't return the comment. She returned her gaze to Tracey, determined to finally tell him.

"The truth is I didn't know about their plan but I'm not entirely...mad that it happened. Don't get me wrong, I'm still plenty ticked off at them but in a way this also gave me the push to do it." Misty explained. She paused and took in a deep breath before she continued. "I love you Tracey. I have-"

From that moment, it didn't matter what she meant to say. Just finally knowing how she felt was enough. He didn't need to hear anything else. So he silenced her, with a kiss. He cupped her face and pulled her close as he kiss her.

Misty was taken aback at first, but happily kissed him back. She brought her hands around his neck and kissed him further.

Suddenly the doors burst open, disturbing them. The three sisters began squealing and cheering at their success. But Misty and Tracey didn't pay them any mind after that.

They were happy and they were together and that's all that mattered.


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