With sisters help

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At the Cerulean gym it was in the middle of one of their mermaid shows. Tracey had gotten roped into playing the prince and Misty as usual was the mermaid. Although, today Daisy, Lily, and Violet had a very special performance in mind, an unplanned surprise. The show when how it usually went, without an problems or interruptions.

It was finally the end of the show, where the prince is holding the mermaid and they are declared to live happily ever after, but the sisters put their plan into action.

"And the prince finally saved his mermaid and they declared their love for each other!" Lily said over the speakers, as the show usually went.

"To show this love, they shared a kiss, the kiss of true love!" Daisy chimed evilly.

Misty and Tracey stared wide eyed at each other, a blush quickly covering both their faces. They both gulped and looked away, embarrassed.

'I'm going to kill my sisters for this!' Misty growled in her mind. "Tracey, we don't have to...you know..." Misty whispered, embarrassed. She could hear the crowd cheering them on.

"I...I'd hate to...d-disappoint the...the audience." Tracey stuttered, the blush growing darker.

"O...ok..." Misty whispered.

They reluctantly closed their eyes and slowly leaned forward. Their lips met, and with each passing moment, the world around them disappeared. Their hearts raced and melted at the same time. They pulled closer, trying to deepen the kiss. The audience erupted loudly with excitement, but it was blocked out by the couple.

When they parted, their faces were still bright red and they didn't make eye contact with each other. Once they were out of sight of the crowd, Misty jumped out of Tracey's arms and slipped her tail off. She then bolted to her dressing room and locked the door. Tracey stood there a moment, frozen then quickly ran in the other direction, not caring that he still had the prince costume on.

Misty was in her dressing room, sitting in at her makeup table. She was curled up in a ball, embarrassed, the blush still lingering. She didn't bother to charge out of her swimsuit or take off her extensions. There was a knock at the door and Misty glared at the door, knowing it had to be one of her sisters.

"Go away!" Misty growled, before burying her face in her arms. She heard the door lock click, the door creek open and close again.

"You know, that kiss really was something." Daisy began.

"I thought I told you to go away." Misty grunted into her arms.

"So, are you going to go talk to your boyfriend or?" Daisy asked, unfazed.

Misty glared at her sister and hissed "He is not my boyfriend!"

"That's not what I saw." Daisy giggled. Misty blushed again and hid her face. "So, why don't you go tell him how you feel? We all know you are over Ash and love the drawing boy. Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone knows."

"What!" Misty's head shot up. "Do...do you think Tracey knows?"

"Probably not. Boys don't really notice that kind of thing." Daisy replied, then continued with a sly smile. "But I don't think it will be long until he knows."

"What are you planning?" Misty questioned, suspiciously.

"Oh nothing." Daisy waved her hand dismissively. "It's just that Violet and Lily are talking to Tracey right now."

"What!" Misty exclaimed and jumped out of the chair.

"Um, Misty...you might want to change before you do that." Daisy stated, quite amused.

Misty looked down and shook her head. She ran into the closet and changed into her yellow sleeveless hoodie and jean shorts. She quickly undid the extensions and took all the hair clips out, before she ran out to go look for Tracey.

Meanwhile, Tracey was hiding, still in his prince outfit. 'I can't believe I let that happen! Now she knows how I feel and won't want to be near me! What have I done! I should have just walked off the stage.' Tracey thought panicked.

"Tracey?" Violet asked.

"Where are you?" Lily called.

"Oh, here he is." Violet waved for her sister.

"So, Tracey, what's the plan?" Lily questioned.

"What are you talking about?" Tracey quizzed.

The two sisters rolled their eyes and Violet stated "What's the plan with our sister?"

"Or rather kissing partner." Lily remarked.

Tracey blushed and turned away. He scratched at his cheek as he stuttered "I...I don't know...I don't think...she is to happy about it."

Lily and Violet looked to each other, and gave a nod.

"I guess we better go tell Daisy that she doesn't need to talk to Misty anymore." Violet said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Tracey asked.

"Daisy is talking to Misty right now, about what happened between you two." Lily answered.

Tracey's eyes grew huge with shock. "Where is she? I need to talk to her!"

"Her dressing room, I think." Lily replied, playing innocent.

Tracey bolted in that direction, to try and find Misty and sort out this whole predicament.

Misty and Tracey were in pursuit of each other. In fact, they were so focused on the hunt, they slammed right into each other.

"Oh, Misty...are you ok?" Tracey asked.

"Tracey! There you are, listen, we need to talk." Misty said getting up.

"Yeah, we do." Tracey agreed.

"I think we should pretend it never happened, because obviously you wouldn't feel the same about me." They said in unison.

They froze and locked eyes.

"What was that?" Misty asked, embarrassed as she tucked a pice of her hair behind her ear.

"No, no you go first." Tracey insisted.

"One of you go already!" Lily shouted.

The gym leader and sketch artist turned in the direction of the shout. All three sisters where peaking around the corner, Daisy with a camera in hand. They gulped before turning back to face each other.

"Um, T-Tracey...I...I want to tell you...that I...that I love you!" Misty stammered, a crimson blush staining her cheeks.

"You...do?" Tracey asked shocked. Misty nodded. "Because I love you too. I just thought you still had feelings for Ash, so I didn't say anything."

"No, I don't like Ash that way anymore." Misty admitted. "So, how about another...you know?" Misty asked, leaning forward and standing on her tip toes.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Tracey replied with a smile.

So the new couple shared, yet another kiss and Daisy was sure to capture the moment with her camera.


My Orangeshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now