Mermaid kisses

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It was a surprisingly calm day at the cerulean gym. There were no challengers and surprisingly all three of her sisters were at the gym with her. Even more surprising, they were all quietly reading in the house half of the Gym.

"Hey. What are you reading?" Misty asked as she walked in.

"A romance novel." Violet replied.

"Just the best way to stay beautiful and fit." Lily answered.

"I'm reading a book about mermaids for ideas on our next show." Daisy remarked.

Misty just rolled her eyes and went to get a snack from the kitchen. She came back out a few minutes later with a apple in hand. Lily and Violet were now hovering are Daisy. All three of them were giggling and giddy.

"What's so funny?" Misty questioned.

"Oh! We just found something very interesting." Lily smirked.

"Yeah. Apparently the kiss of a mermaid can heal people." Violet giggled.

"Ok?" Misty said, unsure where they were going with this.

"Since you always play the mermaid maybe you should test it. I'm sure Tracey wouldn't mind." Daisy teased.

"Daisy!" Misty barked. Her cheeks almost matching the color of her apple. "That is NOT funny."

The three sisters only laughed some more before going back to their books. However, that wasn't the last of the mention of the mermaid kisses.

"Hey Misty, maybe we could make money on these mermaid kisses."

"Misty, you should test it on your boyfriend."

"Let's see how those mermaid kisses work."

Misty did her best to ignore it and just pushed past all the comments her sisters threw at her. She did really well with it too. At least until Tracey decided to stop by for a visit.

"Hi Misty." Tracey greeted with his usual chipper smile.

"Hello again Tracey." Misty smiled. "What brings you by?"

"I came to deliver some more Pokémon food and I was also wondering if you want to hang out." Tracey replied.

Though, before Misty could answer, Daisy walked by.

"Oh! Looks like the perfect time to try out those mermaid kisses." Daisy remarked. "See if they really work."

"Daisy!" Misty scolded as her face turned as red as a tomato berry.

"What are you talking about?" Tracey asked.

"Well we-"

"Nothing! Come on Tracey and don't listen to Daisy or any of my sisters." Misty barked as she pulled Tracey away.

However, as much as she tried to escape her nosey sisters, they were relentless. It was to the point that even Tracey couldn't avoid the topic.

"Ok, what is going on? Why do your sisters keep talking about mermaid kisses? And why are you so bothered by it?" Tracey asked.

Misty stared at him a moment, trying to figure out what to say without really giving up how she felt. But she knew she had to be honest with him. As much as she wished, she couldn't bring herself to lie to him.

"Daisy found this mermaid book for our mermaid shows. I guess she wants to do something new or whatever." Misty crossed her arms.

"And?" Tracey pressed.

"And...she found something about how a mermaid's kiss can heal people." Misty replied.

"So why does that bother you?" Tracey questioned. Misty looked away. As much as she wanted to tell him, she was still afraid. "Hey, if you don't want to tell me, it can wait. I just want to make sure you're ok if something is bothering you. We don't have to talk about it until you're ready."

Misty smiled. She was once again reminded why she fell in love with him.

"'s ok. I think it's time." Misty nodded to herself. "My sisters keep teasing me about me giving away my kisses. You know...because I usually play the mermaid in the shows. Especially for a particular guy."

"Who?" Tracey asked quickly.

" you." Misty admitted.

"Me?" Tracey's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes..." Misty muttered.

Was this a mistake?

"If...if you don't mind my asking...why me?" Tracey stuttered.

" sisters...might know know about my feelings." Misty answered. He still looked unsure. So Misty took in a deep breath and confessed. "I'm in love with you, Tracey."

Silence. Neither one said a word as they stared at each other for what felt like forever. Was this the end of their friendship? Would he start avoiding her? Then, Misty got a big and wonderful surprise.

"Well, now that you mention it. I am feeling a little ill." Tracey smiled. Misty blinked in surprise. "Do you think...we could test and see if those stories are true?"

A bright and beautiful smile graced Misty's face before she bounced up and kissed him. They wrapped their arms around each other as they kissed. It was so amazing and filled with love. It was perfect.

"Wow. Those mermaid kisses really do work." Tracey smiled. Misty giggled in embarrassment and leaned into his chest. "I love you too."

Misty buried her rosy face into his chest.

"You are so sweet." Misty chirped.

"Can I get some more mermaid kisses?" Tracey asked.

Misty gave him another quick kiss.

"Anytime you want." Misty beamed. "These mermaid kisses are only for you."

This was the start of an amazing relationship and Daisy, Violet, Lily full credit.


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