Secret admirer

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Requested by 1ddirectioner93. Thanks for the suggestion!


"Oh Misty! There's another present here for you!" Daisy announced.

"Another one?" Misty questioned.

She went to go collect the newest gift from her sisters. Recently, Misty had been getting all kinds of lovely gifts. Things like flowers, little love letters, candy, and other romantic gifts that she adored. Even if she didn't openly show it. The only problem...she had no idea who sent them. All the writing was either typed or written by the delivery person.

"What did I get this time?" Misty asked.

"See for yourself!" The sisters presidents a bouquet of water flowers and red roses, along with a box of cupcakes and a love letter.

"Wow...they are beautiful." Misty awed as she took the bouquet.

"And some yummy and cutely decorated cupcakes!" Violet chimed.

"Also the sweet love letter." Lily added.

"I'll read this one." Daisy insisted and snatched the letter. "My dearest Misty, please accept these gifts as a token of the love I have yet to share with you. I hope they bring you as much joy as you give me. Thinking of you always."

Misty smiled sweetly at the contents. Even though it was short it still made her feel really special.

"Awww!" The sisters squealed in excitement.

"That is so adorable!" Violet cooed.

"Do you still not know who it is?" Daisy questioned.

"It's a such a waste of a secret admirer." Lily commented.

Misty only rolled her eyes and took the letter and cupcakes from them.

"Well, regardless of who it's from, these will certainly not go to waste in my presence." Misty replied.

"Hey Misty! Are you free to hang out?" Tracey greeted as he stepped into the gym.

"Yes I am. Would you mind helping me carry these to my room?" Misty asked.

"Gladly." Tracey answered.

He took the cupcakes and letter from her and followed her to her bedroom, where she kept all the other gifts from her secret admirer.

"Where do you want these?" Tracey asked.

"Just set them on the desk." Misty replied.

Tracey did as he was told and glanced at some of her other gifts.

"You've got quite a collection now." Tracey commented. "Any idea who they're from?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Misty shrugged. "It could be a lot of people. I get a lot of guys nowadays declaring their 'love' for me but I don't take them seriously. But, if I really think about it, it has to be someone I know personally."

"What makes you say that?" Tracey wondered.

"Because these gifts are really personal. The favorite flowers in my favorite colors, the desserts I love that are decorated like water Pokémon, and the simple yet romantic love notes. No one could get so many guesses correct without knowing me." Misty explained.

"So, do you have a particular person in mind?" Tracey questioned.

"Don't tell my sisters...I don't want their opinions or nagging. I heard enough of that on a daily basis. But I have nailed it down to three." Misty replied. "It's either Gary, Georgio, or Rudy." Tracey wasn't sure how to react to her answer but much to his relief, she went on. "Though I do hope it's not them."

"You don't?" Tracey asked, just a bit to excited. "Who do you hope it is?"

Misty's eyes widened as a blush dusted her cheeks. She mentally panicked for a moment before she tuned it around.

"Why do you want to know so bad? You almost sound like you're the one with the secret admirer." Misty joked.

"I'm just really happy for you. If someone like this knows you so well and is trying this hard to make you happy...maybe you could give him a chance. He might be really good for you." Tracey replied.

"Yeah...maybe..." Misty muttered.

In that moment, there was so much she wanted to tell him but she kept it in. Truth be told, she hoped it was Tracey. However, she also highly doubted it. Tracey wasn't a big romantic gesture kind of a guy but she still loved him nonetheless.

Before they could continue their short conversation, Tracey got an alert to return to professor Oak's lab. With a hasty goodbye, he left the gym and returned pallet town.

Misty spent the day wondering about Tracey's strange behavior. As well as eating the yummy treats. Maybe she could ask him about it tomorrow.

So, the next day Misty went to visit professor Oak's lab. Though not before another gifted arrived at the gym. A beautiful charm bracelet decorated with beautiful charms of water Pokémon and some of her other favorite things. As soon as she saw it, she loved it and instantly put it on. It was wonderful and it gave Misty a small clue. One of the charms was an Azurill egg and she just happened to get one from a very special guy. But, before she let herself hope, she wanted proof.

"Hello professor. Is Tracey around?" Misty asked as she walked towards the door.

"Why yes he is. I do believe he is on the phone right now though. Feel free to wait inside." Professor Oak replied.

Misty nodded and quietly entered the lab. She went up to the bedrooms but hesitated as she stood in front of Tracey's door. It's not like she hadn't been in his room before but the result would either break or make her heart swell with joy.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and pushed the door open. One eye slowly opened, then the other. She walked in and saw scrap paper everywhere. Not just for his drawings, but there was stuff written out on them. Misty picked some up and read them. To her great surprise and pure joy, they were drafts of the poems and letters. Even receipts for each one of her gifts.

"Hey Misty? Where are you? Professor said..." Tracey trailed off when he saw what she was holding.

"Looks like I found my secret admirer." Misty smiled to him.

Tracey just stared at her for a moment in shock. "You...aren't mad?"

"Of course not!" Misty went and captured him in a tight hug. "I was hoping it was you all along. You have no idea how happy I am." Tracey let out a breath of relief as he hugged her back. "How did you even think to do any of this?"

"Brock gave me the idea to do secret admirer thing until I had the courage to tell you. But I kind of got a little to comfortable with it." Tracey explained sheepishly.

"While I am grateful for all the gifts, you didn't have to go through all of this for something you already had from the beginning." Misty remarked. "Because...I love you Tracey. I have been for a while and I couldn't be happier."

"I love you too Misty." Tracey smiled to her. "Wow...that feels great to say."

"How about we use our mouths for something else?" Misty asked.

Tracey's smiled widened as he leaned down and kissed her. Misty happily kissed him back with every ounce of love she had for him.

Now that there was no need for the secret admirer, the two were now together and nothing could ruin it.


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