Sleep talking

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 It was another long day at the Cerulean gym, not only for the gym leader but for a certain visitor. Daisy had roped Tracey into all manner of chorus around the gym that seemed never ending.

Thankfully it was the end of the day. Misty was relaxing with a book on a couch in the house half of the gym. Then the door opened and Tracey trudged in, looking exhausted. He plopped down beside her and leaned back lazily.

"You know, Tracey, you really don't have to do whatever Daisy says. Especially if it is going to end up exhausting you." Misty announced.

"It's fine." Tracey groaned. "I'm happy to help."

"Daisy can do things herself. She doesn't need help. Unless of course, you're trying to impress her." Misty teased.

"No...not her." Tracey slowly shook his head. He was fighting to stay away but the drowsiness was winning. " you mind if a bit?"

"No prob-" Misty didn't even get to finish before he passed out with his head landing on her lap. "Tracey?" There was no response. He was definitely asleep.

Misty smiled to herself and set her book aside. It wasn't often that she got to be so close to him and maybe it was wrong but she took advantage of it. She began to ran her fingers through his hair.

"You really are a great guy Tracey. It's no wonder I feel in love with you." Misty admitted. She would not have said a word if he were conscious.

" you...too." Tracey mumbled in his sleep.

Misty froze. Did he really hear her? Did he really love you? Or was he simply simply talking in his sleep? With a gulp, Misty tried again.

"Who is the one you love?" Misty asked as she ran her fingers through his hair once again.

"Misty." Tracey replied without pause.

Misty smiled as a light blush dusted her cheeks. Maybe he wasn't really talking about her but she was going to let herself believe it for now. At least until she was ready to confront him about it. But that was for later.

Now she would enjoy the fantasy of being loved by him. The one who has been there for her since Ash left. The one she had comes to love and would love from now on.

A bit later, it was time for Misty to head to bed herself. So, she gently removed herself but gave him a pillow and a blanket before she went to bed.

The next morning, Tracey woke up in a rather odd position on the couch. Half of him was hanging off of it, his clothes were all twisted, and his hair looked like it was supposed to be a birds nest.

"Morning sleepyhead." Misty set a cup of coffee on the coffee table.

"Good morning." Tracey yawned. "What happened? Did I actually stay the night?"

"Yes." Misty smiled as she sat down next to him.

"Sorry about that." Tracey remarked sheepishly. "I guess I was really tired. Thanks for the blanket by the way."

"Of course." Misty replied.

Though there was something in her tone and after knowing her for so long, Tracey knew something was up.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something last night?" Tracey questioned.

"Well...I was talking to myself and you said some things in your sleep." Misty muttered.

"Like what?" Tracey titled his head.

" said...I love you too...and when I asked said it was me." Misty blushed while looking away.

"Oh...oh..." Tracey also looked away.

"Is it true? Do you really love me?" Misty begged.

Tracey didn't respond. He didn't know what to say. Of course he wanted to tell her everything. Every little thing he loved about her but he was so afraid. Misty was the most important person in the world to him. He didn't want to ever lose her.

Though, Misty herself couldn't take it anymore. The silence between the was driving her mad. Besides, it was just a confession. Regardless of if he felt the same or not, he wouldn't just leave her. They were to close.

"Because I'm in love with you." Misty admitted.

"You...really?" Tracey questioned.

"Yes! Of course I do! I wouldn't say so otherwise. Even if you don't feel the same way, after last night...I don't know...I just kind of thought you should know." Misty answered.

"Hey Misty." Tracey rested his hand on her knee. She looked back to him in surprise. "I do love you too."

Misty smiled the biggest, brightest smile he had ever seen, just before she sprang up and kissed him. Tracey smiled as he kissed her back.

Though sleep talking had brought them together after so long, the two made sure to talk when awake. As to avoid these kinds of situations.


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