How to tell him

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This story was requested by 1ddirectioner93


 Misty's eyes bore into her bathroom mirror. Now that she knew, didn't know what to do. Of course she was going to tell him but she was also afraid of how he would react. Would he be happy? What if he didn't want her anymore?

Though, something in her told a different story. So many memories flowing endlessly through her mind. But two very special memories stuck out to her.


It was a rare occasion with so many challenger coming to her gym, that Misty was given a break. When such a time happened she often went to the river and would invite Tracey along.

But today it was more than that. She had planned something special. To tell him her true feelings for him.

"Hey Misty!" Tracey called as he ran up to meet her.

"Hi Tracey." Misty smiled. "Come, sit." She patted the spot next to her.

Tracey happily complied and sat down next to her.

"So, what was so important that you had to tell me in person?" Tracey asked.

"Coming right out with the questions, are we?" Misty teased.

"Well you don't usually sound nervous when you invite me to meet you, so I had to know." Tracey reasoned.

"Yeah..." Misty muttered.

She then turned to face him and they locked eyes. Tracey didn't know what to expect from this but he was going to find out.

"You see...over these past few years of getting to know you always being there for me, even when I wasn't the most pleasant person in the world. Well, what I'm trying to say is that...I'm in love with you Tracey." Misty admitted nervously.

"Are...are you serious?" Tracey asked completely baffled as his hands came to rest on her cheeks.

"" Misty answered with her cheeks a bit rosy.

"This is amazing! I love you too!" Tracey exclaimed.

The biggest smile came up his face and Misty smiled too. How could she not? Then, feeling bold, Misty took the chance and kissed him.

"Let's be together forever." Tracey remarked.

"Of course." Misty giggled. "You won't ever lose me."

End of flashback

That was the start of their relationship and Misty couldn't have been happier. Sure there were ruff times but they always got past it and were stronger for it. They were happy and it felt like nothing could change that.


They were sitting in another room at the gym. The two had just had a big fight but immediately felt bad about it.

"Hey Tracey, I'm really sorry about what I said." Misty apologized.

"I know." Tracey caressed her cheek. "I forgive you and I'm sorry too."

"How did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life." Misty embraced him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too and I always will, Misty. Nothing will ever change that." Tracey promises as hugged her tight.

"Gosh you are a dork and I absolutely love it." Misty giggled. "Thank you for being you. I hope things between us never change."

"There is always room to grow, you know? And I want to grow with you." Tracey remarked.

End of flashback

It was those memories that, after all these years of being together, gave her

hope that he would accept the news she had just discovered. She was so focused on her thoughts that she hadn't even realized the tears rolling down her face.

"Misty! I'm home!" Tracey called as he entered their house.

Misty wiped her face and turned to exit the bathroom. This was it, she was going to tell him.

His smile grew bright when he saw her. "Hey, how was your day?"

"I'm...fine." Misty replied.

He instantly knew something was wrong from her tone and the look of distress upon her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tracey worried.

" know how we...said would wait? You know... before we had kids?" Misty gulped.

"Yes?" Tracey nodded but was a bit confused.

"Well...I...I'm pregnant." Misty confessed.

"Wait, you're telling me we are going to parents?" Tracey smiled.

"...yes..." Misty muttered.

Tracey was so beyond happy with this news. A baby with the love of his life. He could not have gotten any better news.

"This is amazing!" Tracey suddenly scooped her up in her arms and spun her around.

"What?" Misty squeaked. "You're happy with this?"

He set her down but kept her in his hold.

"Are you kidding? I'm thrilled!" Tracey exclaimed. Misty just stared wide eyed at him. "Listen." He gently took her hands. "I know we said we would wait but I love you more than anything. And hearing that I am going to have a baby with you, I couldn't ask for anything better."

Misty couldn't help but smile and a few tears of joy ran down her cheeks.

"You are beyond amazing." Misty planted a kiss on him. "I love you too and this baby is so lucky to have you as a father. No matter what happens, I want you by my side."

With that, the loving couple prepared for the new addition to their little family. Though, there was still the small matter of Tracey's proposal, but that's another story.


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