My mermaid

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It was a long day of Tracey helping at the Cerulean gym. There were many of the mermaid shows that day and surprisingly, Misty was the mermaid a majority of the time. Vivid images of her in the costume hovered in his mind as he drifted off to sleep.

Tracey's eyes opened to see that he was floating well below the surface of the water. He began to panic before he realized he could breath.

"Hu? Wait? I can breath?" Tracey wondered, as small bubbles escaped his mouth. "Woah."

That's when he noticed a beautiful underwater world. All kinds of wonderous Pokémon playing and chatting with each other as they swam about a stunning coral reef. It was such a rare and amazing sight.

Though, there was something else quickly approaching, or rather someone. More like a group of someone's.

"Are those...Misty's sisters?" Tracey squinted into the distance.

His eyes winded when the three girls finally came into view. All three of them were mermaids. Daisy had red top with a pink tail, Violet had a green top with a midnight blue tail, and Lillie had a yellow top with a green tail. The three girls giggled as they swam circles around him.

"What's goin on? What are you doing?" Tracey asked, trying to keep an eye on them but they moved to quickly. Then, they took hold of his arms and pulled him into deeper water. "Woah! What's going on?"

None of them replied as they went deeper. Suddenly, they let him go and disappeared behind him. There was a huge shimmery clam in front of him. The three mermaids began to hum a sweet melody which caused the clam to open. There, sleeping in the center, was Misty in her mermaid costume.

"Misty?" Tracey raised an eyebrow.

Misty woke up at the sound of his voice and sat up with a sweet smile. Slowly, she got off the clam and swam up to him.

"Looks like you have finally found your mermaid." Misty beamed.

" mermaid?" Tracey stuttered out with a light blush coming up his cheeks.

"Yes Tracey." Misty gently cupped his face. "I am and always will be your mermaid."

Tracey didn't know what to do or say. He just stared at her in a mixture of awe and surprise. Then, she slowly fluttered her eyes closed and leaned toward him.

"M-Misty?" Tracey muttered.

She was so close. The distance between them disappearing. He could feel his heart beating faster and his cheeks burning. Was this really happening? Was he really going to do it?

"I love you." Tracey whispered as he slowly wrapped his arms around her.

His eyes flew open and suddenly, he was back in his bed. Those last few moments of the dream repeated over and over in his head. If only it wasn't a dream.

Unfortunately, thoughts of the dream kept his mind to busy to get much sleep. Which lift him in a daze over the next few days.

"Tracey? Are you in there? Professor Oak asked.

"Hu?" Tracey snapped back to reality.

"I asked of you would mind making a delivery to the Cerulean gym." Oak replied.

"Oh! Yeah. I'd be happy to do it." Tracey nodded eagerly.

The artist quickly gathered up what was to be delivered and went on his way. The events of the dream still floating around in his mind.

He soon arrived at the gym and was greeted with the sounds of happy Pokémon splashing about.

"Hey Tracey! What are you doing here?" Daisy greeted.

My Orangeshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now