Off my chest

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It was an unusually calm day at the cerulean gym. No challenger, no sisters to pester her endlessly, and Tracey was there with her. Misty was thrilled to have the time and it seemed like the perfect time.

So, she set the book she had been reading aside and looked to Tracey, who was busy sketching away in his notebook.

"Hey, Tracey?" Misty broke the silence.

Tracey looked up from his notebook and met her gaze.

"Yes?" Tracey asked.

"I...I have something I want to tell you." Misty began. "It's really important and with everything so quiet, I think it's time. But, I want you to know that no matter what, I-"

"Misty!" Daisy burst into the room. "You have a few challengers waiting for you. Oh! Tracey, you're here too. That's perfect. I need you to do something for me."

"Wait, I-" Misty tried to intervene, but Daisy pulled him away.

Misty sighed in defeat. There was no way to talk Daisy out of this and as gym leader, she was obligated to battle any challengers that came by. So, she collected her Pokéballs and went to deal with the challengers.

A few hours later, Misty was finished with the challengers. This time, she was ready to do it. She searched the gym, high and low for Tracey but he wasn't there. She did find her sisters though.

"Hey, have any of you seen him?" Misty asked.

"Who?" Lily asked.

"Tracey." Misty grumbled.

"Oh, he went back to Pallet a little bit ago. Something about Professor Oak needing him for something." Violet replied.

"Oh." Misty muttered.

With that, Misty left her sisters and went to go heal her Pokémon. After all, there was no need to stay. All she would listen to was her sisters either yammering or bothering her about her love life. Or rather, her none existent one, but she was working to change that.

However, every time Misty tried to fine the time to tell Tracey, something came up. It seemed as if something was against her getting this off her chest, but she was determined to get it out.

"Hello Tracey." Misty greeted into the phone. "Are you free for lunch? The gym is closed, so we don't have to worry about any interruptions."

"Sorry, I'm really busy today. Maybe another time." Tracey apologized.

"It's ok. Good luck." Misty then hung up.

"Is someone sad that their boyfriend can come?" Daisy suddenly appeared behind her.

"Ah! Daisy! I told you not to do that." Misty growled.

"I didn't hear a no." Daisy remarked.

"He isn't my boyfriend!" Misty barked. "Now leave it alone." Misty stormed off to her room, her face red, both from anger and embarrassment. She leaned against her closed door. "Not yet. He isn't yet, but I hope he will be." She muttered to herself.

But it didn't happen the next day either. The gym was overrun with, what seemed to be never ending challengers.

While Misty was able to keep it together, for the most part, she was slowly unraveling. After all this time, she had gathered up the courage to tell him and everything had gotten in the way. But she wasn't going to stand for it any longer.

The next day, Daisy, Lily, and Violet would not stop yammering about her challengers and things Tracey could do around the gym.

"Ok! That is it!" Misty boomed. "Daisy, Violet, Lily get out!"

"But, Misty the challengers-" Lily tried.

"No! Not right now!" Misty talked right over her sister. "They can wait. There is something I've been trying to do for days and I need to do it now. So, the three of you need to get out, now." Misty hurried them out of the room and shut the door tight. With a heavy sigh, Misty turned to a slightly baffled Tracey. "I'm sorry about that. I just...well I have to get this off my chest now or I'll go insane."

"Um...Misty I-"

"Please. I...need to get this out." Misty pleaded. Tracey nodded, telling her to continue. "Tracey...I love you. I do. I have for so long. How could I not? You have been there for me when I needed you and you are so sweet." Misty stopped a moment and took in his surprised face. "I just had to get that off my chest. So, thanks for listening."

Misty turned to the door with a sad smile, ready to drown out her feelings with some battles. Though, before Misty could reach for the door handle, Tracey pulled her back to him.

"Tracey, what are you doing?" Misty asked.

"Now that you said all that, don't you think it's only fair that I get some things off my chest too?" Tracey smiled.

"I...I guess." Misty gulped nervously.

"Misty." Tracey took her hands in his own. "You are an incredible girl. You are smart and beautiful and one of the strongest girls I've ever met."

"But?" Misty asked hesitantly.

"It's not a but, it's an and." Tracey remarked as he leaned forward a bit. "I love you, Misty."

Misty's eyes shot wide open. While she hoped for this, it still wasn't what she expected. What surprised her even more, was when Tracey leaned down the remaining distance and kissed her. Her eyes bugged out even more before closing and kissing him back like she had aways wanted.

They pulled each other closer and as they kissed. It was a wonderful mixture of joy to finally have these feelings out and that they loved each other.


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