Unexpected surprise

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This was a request by 1ddirectioner93. Thanks for the idea!


Years had passed for Ash Ketchum and his many friends. Now, he was about to turn 22 and well into living his dream of being a Pokémon master. So, when he was finally given some free time, he went off to visit all his old traveling companions.

He had already visited his Friends from: Alola, Unova, Kalos, and Hoenn. Now he was off to visit his friends in Kanto. Namely, Misty. Could you blame him though. He hadn't seen her in years and she was one of his best friends and his first crush. Needless to say, he was excited to see her.

Ash smiled as he approached the Cerulean city gym. So many memories flooding back as he gazed at the building.

"You ready to visit an old friend." Ash asked his Pokémon partner.

"Pika!" Pikachu chirped in agreement.

With that, Ash walked inside.

"Hey, Misty! You here?" Ash called.

"Ash?" Misty popped into view. "Wow! It's so good to see you." Misty ran up and hugged him. Ash hugged her back, happy to see his friend again. "Good job on becoming a Pokémon Master. I'm so proud of you." She pulled back to look him in the face. "So much has changed."

"A lot has changed for you too, Miss water master." Ash remarked.

"Yeah...about that...there's more." Misty smiled sheepishly. "You see..."

"Mommy! Mommy!" A little girl yelped in fits of giggles. She had dark hair with faded highlights of red. Her eyes were just like Misty's and she was wearing a little blue sundress. She ran up and clung into Misty's leg. "Save me!"

Ash's eyes widened in shock. Who was this little girl and why did she call Misty mommy? Misty scooped the little girl up in her arms and gave a small grin.

"Ash, I'd like you to meet my daughter...Amelia." Misty introduced. "And Amelia, this is my friend Ash. The one mommy told all those stories about."

"Oh! Hi Ash!" Amelia beamed. "Nice to meet you. Mommy tells me lots of funny stories." She giggled. Her gaze then fell to Pikachu. "Aw! Pika pika! Can I see him?"

"Sure..." Ash replied.

He set Pikachu down and Misty did the same with her daughter.

"Be careful sweetie. Pikachu can be a bit of a shock." Misty warned.

"I will mommy." Amelia remarked then when to investigate the yellow mouse.

"So...you have a daughter." Ash stated awkwardly.

"Yep. She is such a joy. But...that's not the only thing you've missed." Misty replied.

What else could have happened? Apparently a lot. He had been gone for years. Though, he usually didn't have the time for a visit before his next journey called him out. So, now as he stood there, feeling a bit like an idiot, he began to wonder what else could have happened while he was away.

Though, in the mist of his thoughts, another had entered the room.

"Wow Ash. I can't believe it's you. It's been a long time." Tracey said as he threw an arm around Misty.

"Yeah. Apparently too long." Ash replied.

It was then that he noticed something else. Both Misty and Tracey had wedding bands around their ring fingers. So, not only did Misty have a kid but she was married. Ash certainly didn't expect that.

"Surprise." Misty gave him jazz hands.

"I'll say." Ash chuckled. "But I'm happy for you two. Seriously. I apparently have a lot of late congratulations to give you two."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Tracey laughed.

Ash's eyes suddenly widened at the time.

"Sorry but I have to go! I'm running late for my flight to Sinnoh and if I want to make it there with enough time to visit my friends there." Ash stated quickly. "Come on Pikachu."

Pikachu ran and jumped on Ash's shoulder as he went for the door.

"See you Ash! Be sure and visit this time." Misty called after him.

"I will!" Ash promised.

So, with the visit over, Ash headed off to Sinnoh for a visit with his friends. Boy was he in for another much more satisfying surprise.


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