I'm what ..

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So what if I'm not as you expected!
I'm different  - I'm not like you !
Is this a reason for me to be neglected?
I do my own thing ;
To me this world is new
My opinions are not to your liking
But I love how I am!

I don't want to conform
I'm like a brightly coloured shirt - I should
On this I stand stern
To be me , an individual
But you try to tie me down
Clip my wings so I'm unable to fly ,
So what if I'm different?

Cant you still love me for who I am?
But I ain't gonna change to please you
Most days ,these days my life's like a hiring hell
Whatever my crime
I refuse to change
I would much rather serve my time
I simply refuse to take heed
And put away every word you say
You just have to deal

Take me as I am or let me be
It is I,
Yes I have the time to kill
As you sit there plotting and planning
How to make me your clone
But I'm what I am
I'm comfortable with being me
I hate living ! It's a shame
But it is always me to take the blame

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