My Reality

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This mask I wear
This smile I fake
They'll never know
Until I break

Under this mask
There's a broke face
Not yet to be seen
Not yet to be heard

I hear them hate
I see them stare
I'll carry on with my life
One miserable day at a time

My mask hides me
Day to day
But all I have to say
Is "I'm fine "
I lied

I don't want to be heard
I don't want to be seen
I want to be alone
With my silent plea

When I'm alone
My mask breaks
Shattering from the hate
My heart aches


I've felt like I had to try to keep everything under control inorder for me to be fine . I had so much on me to where there wasn't enough time for me to sleep. Because if I ever stopped, if I wasn't focused on something then I would think what I'm running from . And when I messed up one thing everything else goes with it ,there would be nothing I could do besides think of why I'm such a failure .  I even pushed people away so they can't save me when I need help and today its me with a  mask

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