The wrong guy

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 It had been a few years since Misty's travels through the Orange islands and although she had moved on from it, something remained. Rudy. He called her often and always tried to persuade her to give him a chance. Even if she would politely decline him each time.

"Misty, you have another call from your boy." Violet called.

"Whoever it is, he isn't mine. I don't have a boyfriend." Misty rolled her eyes.

She went over to the video phone and just as she accepted, Rudy's face was on the screen.

"Hello again Misty. How is the loveliest girl in the world?" Rudy smiled.

"Hi." Misty replied, unamused with his flattery. "Why did you call me this time?"

"Getting right to the point, as always." Rudy chuckled. "Well, I wanted to sweep you off your feet first but I guess I can tell you now. Misty, even after all this time apart, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. Please come back to the island and be with me. Mahri misses you. We can be happy and spend our time dancing and in love."

"In love?" Misty questioned suddenly.

"Yes. I love you Misty." Rudy answered. "Can you give me a chance? I know we can be happy."

"I don't know." Misty looked down. "Me heart belongs to someone else and I don't just want to give that up."

"I'm a patient guy. I can wait as long as you need." Rudy assured.

"Well, I-"

"Misty?" Tracey sounded, unintentionally startling her.

She whipped around and accidentally hit the off button.

"Oh, Tracey. You scared me." Misty breathed.

"Sorry. I just wanted to stop by for a visit. What are you doing?" Tracey asked.

In reality, Tracey had heard everything Rudy said and the interruption was a bit intentional.

"I was talking to someone but it isn't important." Misty replied.

"Really?" Tracey tilted his head.

"Well..." Misty rubbed her arm. That's when she noticed her smirking sisters bunched up not far behind them. "Let's go somewhere else. I don't need my nosy sister listening in and bugging me."

"Sure." Tracey agreed.

So they moved to another part of the gym and just hung out there for the rest of the day. The time spent with Tracey always made her forget her troubles and right now those troubles where Rudy.

After their faithful meeting, Misty was really flattered by his feelings for her. However, she never felt anything for him but at the time, she really wanted to. After all, Ash never had any feelings for her. Now, she had feelings for someone else. She was in love with one of her best friends but was to afraid to admit it.

The day eventually ended and Tracey returned to Pallet town as he usually does. Which left Misty to soak in the pleasant warm feelings Tracey gave her before she went to bed.

The next day, all of them were in for a really big surprise.

"Misty! Misty! Wake up!" Daisy shook her sister away.

"What!" Misty swatted her hands away. "What is no important that you have to wake me up like that?"

"Your boyfriend is here." Lily remarked.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Tracey isn't my boyfriend." Misty grumbled.

"It's not Tracey." Violet cut in.

"What?" Misty questioned.

"Come on, get out of bed. It's not nice to keep a guy waiting." Daisy hurried.

"Ok, ok, just get out of my room." Misty shooed them away.

Once her sisters scurried out, Misty changed into her yellow and red outfit and went down to meet this mystery guy. She was in the process of putting up her signature side ponytail when she saw him.

"Rudy? What are you doing here?" Misty asked, dropping her hair tie.

"I'm here to bring you back with me." Rudy gently took her hands.

Tracey walked in unnoticed but stopped in his tracks before greeting her. Was this really happening?

"Rudy, I-" Misty looked away.

"Wait, before you say anything, please listen." Rudy interrupted. "You are an amazing girl and I want to be with you, no matter how long I have to wait. I know you still love Ash and I-"

"Wait." Misty cut him off. "I don't love Ash anymore. We are just friends now."

"Great than we can go." Rudy tried to pull her towards the door.

"Hold on." Misty held her ground. "Just because I'm not in love with Ash doesn't mean I don't love someone else."

"Oh..." Rudy paused. "Do you love someone else?"

"Well...I..." Misty began to blush as a certain artist came to mind.

But Tracey didn't know that and he couldn't take it anymore. He had to tell her now, before he loses her forever.

"Misty!" Tracey suddenly declared, gaining both their attention.

"Tracey? When did you-" Misty tried to ask.

"Please don't leave with him." Tracey begged.

"What?" Misty blinked in surprise.

"I love you!" Tracey confessed. Misty's eyes widened at the declaration. Looks like Rudy had some more competition. "I...I don't want to lose you...but if you really want to go with him...I won't stand in the way."

Misty just stared at him in a pleasant mixture of surprise and joy. Tracey held her gaze, waiting for her to say something. Rudy stepped beside Tracey and cleared his throat breaking their eye contact.

"So Misty, who will it be? Me or Tracey?" Rudy asked.

Misty nodded to herself and looked to Tracey with the warmest, most beautiful smile.

"I'm really sorry Rudy, but I won't be going with you. I'm in love with Tracey. I have been since Ash left and now that I know he feels the same, I'm not going anywhere." Misty answered.

"I get it." Rudy nodded. "Take good care of her. She is a really amazing girl."

"You don't have to worry. I will." Tracey assured as he put his arm around Misty.

"Yeah. I'll see you around." Rudy turned and felt the gym.

Once he was gone, Misty turned to Tracey.

"I'm glad you came, otherwise I might have left with the wrong guy." Misty remarked as she leaned forward. "Now, what do you say we take advantage of being alone?"

Tracey pulled her close and they shared a loving and passionate kiss. Misty know she made the right choice and that Tracey would never be the wrong guy for her.


My Orangeshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now