Alive again

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Mary groans and rubs her head as she sits up. Where was she? She stands up and looks around seeing she was in the middle of a garden. One one side of her was a pram and on the other was Elizabeth who was sitting up and looking around. They were kids again! She sees her reflection in a puddle and smiles. She was 10. Elizabeth was 2 and Edward was just a little baby.
"Mary? Where we?" Tiny hands cling to one of hers and she looks down to see her little sister staring up at her.
"I don't know Elizabeth. Maybe we're getting locked up for something" she says, groaning and rolling her eyes when she hears the younger girl whimper in fear.
"I'm only joking, Elizabeth. Maybe we're just alive again for some reason. Come on. Let's go see if whoever lives here can help"
"No! Scary" Elizabeth says, starting to cry.
"It won't be. Come on" Mary says, and Elizabeth shakes her head, crying harder.
"Fine. Wait here with Edward then" Mary grumbles, stomping off and knocking on the door, looking over her shoulder to see Elizabeth had hidden herself behind the pram. She looks back when the door opens and she hears a triumphant laugh.
"Guys! Come here!" It was Anna! That must mean... her thoughts are cut off by her mom pulling her into a tight hug and Jane running down the steps to where Elizabeth had been waiting by the pram and lifting Edward who had just woken up out of it followed by Anne running out. Then there's the sound of Elizabeth squealing excitedly and running towards her mom. Only to trip and fall.


"It's okay baby! You're okay" Anne coos, lifting a now screaming Elizabeth up into her arms and holding her close.
"Shh. Mama's here. You're okay"
"hurts mama!" Elizabeth wails as she carries her inside and sits her on the kitchen table to patch up the cuts on her knees. Once she gets that done, she kisses both of Elizabeth's knees and picks her up again.
"Does that feel better?" She asks and Elizabeth nods, sucking her thumb.
"Good!" She says happily, joining the others in the living room and flopping down on one of the couches with Elizabeth on her lap.
"Guys we should go supply shopping" Cathy says, standing up. "Luckily for us the pram we got with Edward had the car seat attached. So now we just need a car seat for Elizabeth"
"We could just walk Cathy. It's not that far and we can have Anna get the car once we're done" Catherine says, brushing Mary's hair.
"That works better. Let's go then!" Anne says, standing up again and managing to get her coat on while handling a weepy toddler at the same time.
"Okay Anne is officially supermom" Kitty says as they walk down to the shops. Clothes were first. Then toys and hair stuff. And a car seat for Elizabeth. They already had beds so Jane got a crib and Anne picked up a set of barrier things so Elizabeth wouldn't roll too far over in her bed and fall.

Time skip

Dinner time. They'd decided to get McDonald's as a special treat and to celebrate. Anne smiles as she watches Elizabeth eating carefully as to not get anything on her dress. She was just as adorable as Anne remembered. She finishes her food and waits until Elizabeth finishes her own meal before lifting her onto her lap for a hug.
"Mommy Boleyn is the cutest thing I have ever seen" Cathy says with a chuckle and Anne smiles at her.
"Well thanks!"


Cathy had to admit. She loved Anne. She was itching to say it. To let Anne truly know how she felt. She smiles as she watches Anne with Elizabeth. The usually energetic and roughhousing queen all calm and gentle. They all head to the the living room where Elizabeth refuses to be let down to go play. Cathy couldn't blame the kid. She finally got to see her mother again after all these years.
"Hey Can you guys watch Lizzie for a sec?" I gotta go to the bathroom" Anne says, standing up and putting Elizabeth on the couch and walking out. Cathy smiles as the fiery haired toddler looks around in bewilderment for a minute and then clambers onto her lap with a smile.
"Well hello there" Cathy says, chuckling.
"I like your hair" Elizabeth says, looking up at her.
"Well thank you! I like your hair too" Cathy says just as there's the sound of a camera clicking. Anne.
"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen" she says, sitting down beside Cathy and laughing when Elizabeth springs onto her lap giggling and full of energy.
"Well look at you my little ball of energy" Anne laughs, kissing the top of Elizabeth's head and giving her a squeeze.
"She's definitely got your energy Anne" Cathy says with a smile.
"She definitely does" Anna says and the others all nod.

Time skip

Anne was exhausted. She'd spent the past few hours chasing an excited and energetic two year old around the house. The mom life was definitely something she wasn't going to give up for anything. She smiles as she settles down in her bed with Elizabeth curled up asleep against her side. She was cuddling Bobo, a teddy frog that Anne had gotten her and just looked so so adorable. In that instant, all the memories come rushing back. Especially a certain one. Henry had come to visit the girls with her and was seething with rage after she told him about how her brother was doing and that they'd been writing to each other.

"Off with her head!" Anne quickly runs down the hall and hears Henry yelling after her. She runs until she falls in the door of Elizabeth's room. Why did he have to do this here? Why not at the castle? She was sitting on her floor playing with Mary who was keeping her distracted from the fighting.
"Mama? Why dada loud?" Elizabeth asks, stumbling over and hugging her legs.
"He's just a bit angry is all princess" Anne says, sitting on the bed, sitting Elizabeth on her lap and patting the spot beside her for Mary to sit down.
"I'm gonna have to go away girls. I don't want to. I'm gonna miss you both so much" she says sadly.
"No go mama" Elizabeth says, starting to cry.
"I wish I didn't have to. Just know I love you very very much" she says, kissing Elizabeth's forehead.
"Love you mama" Elizabeth says, clinging to her.
"And Mary. You're incredible and I trust you'll find a lovely stepmom and be a great sister to Elizabeth and any other siblings you two get in the future" Anne says and Mary smiles.
"Don't worry. I'll look after her" she says. The next night she was dragged away in the tower and all she could remember after that is the pain when the sword cut through her neck.

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