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The next morning

Mary smiles as her mom brushes her hair and ties it up. She liked having her mom back. They were all going for a drive today. She couldn't wait. They'd be making a picnic and taking it with them.
"There. Now let's go see if Katherine, Anna and Cathy need any help" her mom says as she kisses the top of her head. They both walk downstairs to see that everyone was downstairs except for Anne.
"Hey Lizzie is your mama still sleeping?" She says, walking over to the table and sitting down alongside Elizabeth.
"Yeah. Catcat making brekkie" Elizabeth says as Cathy puts plates of food for everyone down and sits down too.
"Good morning everyone!" Anne says, walking in and Mary smiles as Elizabeth turns to look at her.
"Hi mama!" She giggles as Anne sits down and kisses her nose.
"Hey Princess. Did you have a nice sleep?"
"Yeah!" Elizabeth giggles, wriggling down to go to the bathroom and Anne smiles. Everyone had been trying to potty train her and it was the funniest thing ever in Mary's opinion because there'd be moments of silence and suddenly Elizabeth would jump up, declare that she needed the bathroom and just stroll off before anyone could react. She runs back in again smiling and climbs back onto her chair without help.

After breakfast

Anne smiles as she watches Elizabeth help Cathy tidy up and once she's done, carries her up to her bedroom and gets her dressed for the day in a pair of black overalls and a green long sleeve shirt with green converse. It was exactly like her own outfit.
"I have the perfect idea of what to do with your hair" she says, gently brushing Elizabeth's hair. She could do that for hours upon end. She carefully styles it and smiles at the results. It was a miniaturised version of the space buns she always put her hair into.
"Mama same!" Elizabeth giggles, catching on to the style when she sees herself in the mirror.
"Yeah! Do you like it?" Anne says, lifting Elizabeth onto her hip and smiling as she nods.
"love you mama" Elizabeth says happily.
"I love you too princess" Anne says happily, getting a backpack and putting a few toys in along with crayons, a sketchbook and a colouring book.
"There we go. Let's get your coat" Anne says, getting Elizabeth's coat out and bringing her downstairs.
"Mommy and daughter twins is a trend now then?" She looks up and sees Catherine and Mary dressed alike with similar hairstyles.
"I suppose so" Anne chuckles as she sets Elizabeth down and grabs her own coat, putting everything by the door while Elizabeth and Mary sit together on the stairs to wait for everyone.
"Hey guys" Jane whispers, coming downstairs with Edward who was asleep in her arms. Soon everyone's downstairs and they're getting ready to go. Anne picks up the backpack and holds Elizabeth's hand as they walk out to the car. There were 2. She'd be going with Cathy, Elizabeth, Kitty and Anna while Jane and Edward were going with Catherine and Mary.
"Hey Anne? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Cathy says softly as Anne finishes tying Elizabeth's seatbelt.
"Yeah sure" Anne says, following Cathy over a little bit away.
"I need tell you something. I sorta kinda have a huge crush on you" Cathy says, a slight blush appearing on her face.
"I have a crush on you too" Anne says with a smile, laughing when Cathy squeals in delight and kisses her.
"Hey lovebirds lets go. The kids are getting bored!" Catherine calls and Anne smiles, looking at Cathy.
"So we're a thing now?" She asks and Cathy nods.
"Heck yeah we are" She says as they walk to the car and get in.
"Mama! Catcat!" Elizabeth squeals when she sees them, her eyes bright with excitement.

Time skip

They'd stopped off for a picnic and there were a few other people around. What made Mary nervous was the all too familiar red haired man sitting at a table with a pregnant woman and a little boy about Elizabeth's age. She brushes it off and plays with Elizabeth in the playground near the picnic area. Suddenly, as she's pushing Elizabeth on a swing, a dark shadow looms over them both. She abruptly stops the swing and pulls Elizabeth close to her as their dad smiles at them. It wasn't a nice smile. It was cold. And full of hate.
"Cmon Lizzie. Let's go" she musters up all the strength she had and lifts Elizabeth up, running back to the table, hearing thunderous footsteps only feet behind her.
"Hey. It's okay. I got this" Anna says and Mary watches as she delivers a punch straight to her dads face. He glares at them all and storms off, stopping at the end of the table to face them all.
"You'll be getting custody forms in the mail next week" he snaps, walking back to his table and sitting down.
"Mom? What does custody mean?" She asks, handing Elizabeth to Anne and sitting down.
"It means he wants you guys to be living with him sometimes" at this, Mary feels her heart drop and sees Elizabeth start to cry.
"No go with dada! No wanna!" She wails and Mary longs to be that little so she can curl up in her own moms arms and cry like that.


"Hey. Hey it's okay. You're not going anywhere with him" Anne says, trying to calm Elizabeth down. It broke her heart every time she cried. Sure she'd only cried twice since the reincarnation but it still hurt.
"Teach her to be quiet I don't want to deal with that!" Henry yells, making Elizabeth cry harder "shut her up already. She's so fucking annoying!" His yelling was getting louder and had woken Edward up.
"Hey! Just go away alright? She's just a little kid and I don't appreciate you talking about her like that. She's done nothing to hurt you so I don't get why you think it's okay to be so horrible about her!" Cathy says and everyone watches as she walks over to Henry and stands over him.
"You think you're so great don't you? Going around with that attitude. Well let me tell you something. You're nothing Henry. The only good thing I got out of marrying you is meeting these amazing ladies. The only good legacy you left behind are the kids. You don't even deserve to be called their dad with how you treat them. So send as many custody papers as you want. They'll make great fuel for the fire" she says, turning on her heel and walking back over.
"Damn Cathy went off" Anna says after a moment of silence.
"That was so badass" Kitty yells, punching the air
"Volume Kitty" Catherine says gently and Anne smiles as Elizabeth scoots over onto Cathy's lap and hugs her.

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