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Time skip

It was the day after Anne was due back. Elizabeth's birthday. There'd been a really bad delay because of a storm which meant she wasn't home on the actual day she was supposed to be back and Cathy was up late comforting Elizabeth who was crying non stop because she thought Anne was never going to come back. But yet, there they were. At 5am in an airport. Waiting for Anne. Cathy was holding Elizabeth who was still a little teary eyed and half asleep while sucking her thumb, jane was sitting down with Edward asleep in his pram beside her, Catherine was sitting beside Jane with Mary leaning against her fast asleep and Anna and Kitty were looking for food to get everyone.
"Catcat when mama be back?" Elizabeth mumbles and Cathy looks up at the notice board.
"Her plane just landed. So very very soon" she says and Elizabeth gasps, letting her thumb fall out of her mouth.
"Mama back soon!" A few people look over and smile and the others come to join them. After about 10 minutes of waiting, the gates from arrivals open and people start to walk out, going off with family or meeting friends. Near the end of the crowd, pushing a luggage trolley and smiling was Anne.
"Mama!" Cathy smiles and puts Elizabeth down, following close behind as she runs to Anne.


Anne smiles when she sees everyone waiting for her and kneels down, opening her arms for Elizabeth who comes at her at full three year old speed. Three already. Her baby was growing up so fast.
"Mama home!" Anne laughs as she's almost blown over by the force of her daughter running into her and stands up, hugging her close.
"Hi baby! I missed you so much!" She says as she shifts Elizabeth to her hip to hug Cathy and the others.
"Wanna sit on the luggage trolley going to the car?" She says and Elizabeth shakes her head, clinging tighter to her.
"Stay with mama" she mumbles and Anne smiles.
"Okay. I'll carry you then" she chuckles. She was secretly glad that Elizabeth had turned down the idea of sitting on the luggage trolley. She wanted to hold her for as long as possible.
"I'll push the trolley" Cathy says, smiling at her. The few days Anne had been away were the longest days ever.


Cathy was glad to see Anne back. She'd missed her hugs and antics. And Elizabeth was definitely the happiest to see Anne. They get the bags into the car and Mary moves to the front with Catherine so Anne can be beside Elizabeth who would only settle when she was near her. Cathy couldn't blame her. Nearly a week without her mother was hard for her. They get to a restaurant and Anne carries Elizabeth in and strokes her hair gently while they wait to get seated.


"How's my little birthday girl doing?" Anne says softly and Elizabeth smiles, looking up at her.
"Happy cuz mama home" she says and Anne smiles, kissing her forehead.
"Are you happy about your birthday?"
"Uh huh. Mama home is best present ever!" Elizabeth says happily as they get seated.
"Aww that's so cute!" Jane says and Elizabeth giggles, hiding her face in Anne's hoodie as she's sat down.
"Would you like to have porridge for breakfast? Or something else?" Anne says and Elizabeth shrugs.
"Hmm. I think something super yummy. How about eggs, porridge and sausages?"
"Yes please mama" Elizabeth says, leaning against her. She looked exhausted. How had Anne not noticed it until now? She lifts Elizabeth onto her lap and rests her chin on top of her head.
"Wanna take a nap? I can wake you when breakfast comes" she whispers and Elizabeth nods, leaning against her and falling asleep within seconds.
"She really had up and down days. On down days she would refuse to do anything and would just stay curled up on our bed. Specifically your side. The up days were kinda better. She'd be a little upset but would also let us take her downstairs and would eat more and occasionally play. She really missed you" Cathy says and Anne smiles sadly, looking at Elizabeth.
"Thanks for taking care of her. I wish it hadn't been me going. Especially with her being so young" she says and Catherine smiles.
"I'll go next time. You're okay with that right Mary?"
"Yeah. Sure I'll miss you but I don't mind honestly" Mary says.

Time skip

Anne smiles as she sits with Elizabeth on her lap while everyone sings happy birthday to Elizabeth. They'd gotten her a chocolate cake because that was her favourite.
"Ready? One. Two. Three!" Anne helps Elizabeth blow out her candles and hugs her.
"Happy birthday princess!" She says and Elizabeth giggles, smiling up at her. She could still remember the day Elizabeth was born. She could remember it like it was yesterday. The cake is cut and Anne smiles as Elizabeth eats her slice with a huge smile on her face. She ends up with chocolate all around her mouth, on her cheeks and on her hands and giggles as a photo is taken by Cathy before Anne sits her on the kitchen counter by the sink, wets a cloth and gets her cleaned up.
"You're a mucky pup aren't you?" She jokes, getting the last of the chocolate off and kissing Elizabeth's forehead. Elizabeth giggles and looks up at Anne, her eyes bright with happiness.
"Mama up?" She asks, holding out her arms to Anne and smiling up at her.
"Of course" Anne says with a smile as she lifts Elizabeth off the counter and holds her on her hip as she walks back into the dining room.
"Oooh presents time?" Anna asks and Anne nods.
"Yeah. Let's get these presents opened" she says as everyone walks into the sitting room and sits on the floor. Anne sits cross legged so Elizabeth could sit in her lap and rests her chin on her baby's head as she's handed the first present. This one was from Mary, a princess dress up set. The next one is from Catherine, dress up shoes. Jane and Edward give her plastic jewellery, Cathy gets her some books, Kitty gives her some colours and colouring books, Anna gives her a rocking horse and Anne gets her a bike. And the necessary safety gear of course. Elizabeth thanks everyone and Anne carries her upstairs. It was well past her bedtime by that point. She could hear Jane coming up with Edward followed by Catherine and Mary.
"Mama no go 'way" Elizabeth mumbles and Anne smiles, sitting beside her.
"I'll only be downstairs baby girl. You can call me if you need me and I'll come running"

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