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"Hey Lizzie. Time to get up" Anne says softly, walking into Elizabeth's room and picking her up.
"Nooo" she's surprised by how Elizabeth immediately whines in indignation and tries to wriggle away.
"Hey. What's wrong baby girl?" She coos, sitting down and sitting Elizabeth on her lap. She goes to smooth her hair out of her face and feels her heart drop.
"Aww baby! You're burning up" she says and Elizabeth whimpers and takes a breath that sounded painful before throwing up everywhere and bursting into tears.
"Cathy? Babe Lizzie isn't doing so good" she calls, standing up with Elizabeth in her arms. She was still protesting at being held.
"Hurts mama" Elizabeth whines, giving up on trying to escape and slumping against her tiredly. Cathy comes in and coos softly.
"Aww. Cmon. Let's get her into the bath and into some fresh pyjamas" she says and Anne nods, carrying Elizabeth to the bathroom.
"You gotta have a bath baby. It'll make you feel better"
"Nuh uh"
"Yeah. Would it make you feel better if I got in the bath with you?" Anne says and Elizabeth thinks for a moment before nodding.

Time skip

"I just put her down for a nap" Cathy says, walking into her and Anne's room. Elizabeth had thrown up again and Anne had to change her shirt.
"Thanks babe. We have to take her to the doctor after lunch. I just made the appointment" Anne says and Cathy nods.
"You look all teary eyed. You okay?" Anne says and Cathy nods.
"Yeah. I'm just happy. She called me mommy when I was putting her down for her nap"
"Awww she sees you as a mommy! That's so cute!" Anne says happily.
"Look at us huh? Mama and Mommy" Cathy chuckles.
"Yeah! I'm so glad she sees you as a mom Cathy. Or should I say catcat?" She says and Cathy laughs, pulling Anne close and kissing her.

Time skip

"Lizzie. Hey time to wake up" Anne coos, feeling Elizabeth's forehead. She was still burning up and not responding.
"Lizzie? Baby? Hey come on it's time to wake up" she was worried. Really worried. She picks Elizabeth up and runs downstairs.
"Cathy we need to go to the hospital"

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