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It was time for the holiday. Anne smiles as she helps load suitcases into the car and looks at Elizabeth and Mary who were chasing each other and laughing. Mary was running slower to let Elizabeth catch up. Which the little ball of energy took to her full advantage.
"Weird to think it's been a whole month since they showed up huh?" Jane says, coming to stand beside her with Edward in her arms.
"Yeah. But I wouldn't trade it for the world" Anne says as Catherine comes to join them.
"Same here. I missed that mom feeling" she says and Anne nods just as Cathy wraps her arms around her waist from behind.
"How's the Mommy squad?" She says and Anne smiles, turning her head to kiss her.
"We're doing very well. Just watching Lizzie and Mary playing" she says.
"They're gonna be asleep by the time we get on the road for sure" Catherine says as the duo run past.
"They'll be happy at the beach. Lots of space to run around" Kitty says as she and Anna join them.
"Okay girls it's time to go!" Jane calls, getting the last few bits in the car. Anne laughs as Elizabeth changes course and runs full speed at Cathy who manages to catch her and lifts her into the air while she giggles.
"Let's get ready to go then" Anne chuckles, helping Cathy get Elizabeth settled in the car and handing her Bo. Next Kitty and Anna hop in and Anne gets into the front with Cathy.

Time skip

Elizabeth had fallen asleep. Anne smiles as she carefully lifts her out and carries her inside.
"Everyone Can choose their rooms. There's kids rooms on the first floor and adults ones on the floor above it" Anna says as she walks in with a sleeping Kitty slung over her shoulder. Anne follows Cathy to find their room and once they have one, Anne carries Elizabeth downstairs and gets her lying down in a bed in one of the other rooms. She was still in disbelief about the fact that she was here. After all this time, she got to see her baby again. She sits there by Elizabeth's side for an hour until she wakes up and rubs her eyes.
"Hey baby girl. I got you" Anne says, lifting her onto her lap and smiling at her.
"We on holidays?"
"Yeah. We're here. Wanna go see the beach?" Anne says, stroking Elizabeth's hair.
"Yeah!" Elizabeth says, her eyes bright with excitement. Anne laughs and carries her downstairs. Mary was sitting cross legged in front of Catherine who was brushing her hair. When they make eye contact, Mary giggles and sticks her tongue out at her. Anne laughs at this and walks into the kitchen where Cathy was leaning over a cookbook while battling Anna and Kitty who were trying to steal snacks.
"Hi catcat and Anna and Kitty!" Elizabeth says and the three of them stop fighting.
"Hey cutie junior. And cutie senior!" Cathy says, walking over to them with a smile.
"What are you up to? Besides fighting off the troublemakers" Anne says with a smile.
"Oh just making some cookies for later" Cathy says "I'm gonna need a special taste tester once they're cooled down and I know just the little girl who I think would be perfect for it" she adds, tapping Elizabeth's nose.
"Can we be taste testers too?" Anna asks and Cathy laughs.
"Hmmm i suppose" she says "on the condition you stop swiping the chocolate. I can see you Katherine Howard" she adds and Kitty and Anna run out. Anna was laughing hysterically at the full name thing and Kitty was more shocked than anything else.
"We were just gonna go out for a stroll on the beach" Anne says, putting Elizabeth down so she could walk for a little bit.
"I'll see you two in a bit then" Cathy says, pecking her lips and smiling at her.


Jane was so glad she'd gotten sole custody of Edward. She'd gone years without seeing her baby boy and didn't want to let him out of her sight. She was sitting out on the back patio playing peekaboo with him when the back door opens and Anne walks out with Elizabeth who both smile at her.
"Off on an adventure?" She asks and Elizabeth nods.
"Uh huh. Mamas taking me to see the beach!"

Time skip

"Mama! Look!" Anne smiles and kneels to Elizabeth's height to look at the rock she found. It was slightly pink and shaped like a heart.
"Wow it's very very pretty!" She says and Elizabeth smiles, jumping up and down.
"You have it!" She says, holding it out. Anne smiles and takes it.
"It's pretty just like you mama!" Elizabeth says and Anne smiles, as she hugs her.
"Thank you very much. I'll keep it forever" she says softly, kissing the top of Elizabeth's head. They walk for a little longer until Elizabeth gets tired and sits on the sand yawning.
"Time to go back?" She asks and Anne nods, making sure the rock was safe in her pocket and picking Elizabeth up, carrying her back to the house. Just in time too. The second she steps inside, it starts raining.
"Wow! That was good timing" Cathy chuckles, walking over with her hands behind her back.
"Yeah! We had a real nice walk though didn't we Lizzie?" Anne says and Elizabeth nods.
"And you're just in time for cookies!" Cathy says, taking a cookie from behind her back and handing it to Elizabeth who perks up and smiles.
"Thank you catcat!" She says, eating it happily.
"Did someone say cookies?" Anna asks, poking her head into the kitchen.
"Yes, Anna, I said cookies. One each only! Dinner is soon!" Cathy says and Anna sighs.
"Aww fine!"

A few days later

Something didn't feel right. There was a quiet air about the house. No early morning praying. No baby cries. No excited toddler running into the room for a morning hug. Anne reaches over and wakes Cathy who looks around in confusion.
"Why is it so quiet?" She asks and Anne shrugs.
"I don't know. Something feels wrong" she says as she gets up and walks down the first flight of stairs. They peek into Elizabeth's room, Anne sighing in relief to see that she was just waking up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She walks in and lifts the still very sleepy toddler out of her bed and holds her close.
"Looks like someone had a sleep in" she says as Elizabeth clings to her shirt, still half asleep. Within an hour, everything's back to normal. Kids full of beans and Mary and Elizabeth running around the beach laughing.

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