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Anne smiles as she stands outside the preschool with Cathy waiting for one o clock. They'd decided it was the best idea to send Elizabeth to preschool so she could get used to other kids and so far she was loving it. Henry was taking a trial visit and Anne was a little unsettled about it. Why were they letting him go anywhere near the kids?! A few more parents arrive and Anne waves to Jane who was waiting by the door to the crèche with Catherine. The door for the preschool opens and Anne smiles as Elizabeth comes hurtling out ahead of the other kids and right into her arms.
"Hi mama!" She giggles and Anne chuckles, kissing her cheek.
"Hey baby girl! Did you have a nice day?" She says as she carries her to the car.
"Uh huh! I made this" Elizabeth says, showing her a drawing "me and mama and catcat!"
"It's beautiful Lizzie" Anne says, kissing her cheek and smiling as she puts Elizabeth into the car and tying her seatbelt.
"No wanna see dada" Elizabeth says as she swings her legs and pouts
"I know. But it's only for two hours and then we can go get some ice cream" Anne says and Elizabeth grins.
"Ice cream!"
"See? All good" Anne chuckles, kissing Elizabeth's forehead as Jane and Catherine walk over with Edward. Once everyone's in the car, they head home and Anne helps Jane make lunch while the kids take naps. Anne was just finishing cutting the veg when she hears Elizabeth crying.
"I'll go get her. Babe can you take over?" She says, handing the knife to Cathy and walking into the sitting room where Elizabeth had very gracefully flopped down on the couch for her nap.
"Hey. Hey what's wrong baby?"
"Scared mama" Elizabeth mumbles, clambering onto Anne's lap. Anne responds immediately, wrapping her arms around her daughter and holding her close.
"What are you finding scary?"
"Dada gonna hurt me"
"No. No baby I won't let that happen okay?"
"No wanna see dada"
"I know baby. I know. But there'll be someone there to make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt you. And I'll be there and catcat and Jane and Catherine too okay?" Anne says softly and Elizabeth shakes her head. She couldn't blame her. Henry was an ass. Anne stands up holding Elizabeth and carries her into the kitchen.
"Hey guys. I'm keeping this one with me for a bit. She's upset about having to have you know who come for that visit thing" she says as Elizabeth rests her head on Anne's shoulder and sucks her thumb.
"Oh poor thing" Cathy coos, walking over and standing with them, rubbing Elizabeth's back while Anne plays with her hair.
"I'm gonna go get Mary" Catherine says, grabbing the car keys and kissing Jane on the cheek. "Anybody need anything?"
"Can you get some cookies?" Anne asks and Catherine nods.
"Of course. Anything else?" Everyone shakes their heads and Catherine leaves. Anne keeps Elizabeth in her arms as she walks around the kitchen singing softly to her and bouncing her on her hip.
"Stay wif mama"
"Yeah baby. You can stay with me. I won't let you go" Anne says, kissing Elizabeth's forehead and moving some of her hair out of her face.

Time skip

Mary hated that her dad was visiting. She sits looking at the social worker who'd come with him and then looks at Elizabeth who was crying and refusing to let Anne put her down.
"I'll be right outside okay? It's only going to be for a little bit" Anne says softly as Mary turns back to look at her dad who was starting to get agitated.
"I'm going to be outside okay Lizzie? If you need me tell the lady and she'll come get me okay?" Anne says and Mary sighs in relief when Elizabeth mumbles a confirmation and is sat down beside her. Anne steps out and then it's just her, Elizabeth, Edward, their dad and the social worker lady.
"Is your mama your favourite person?" The last says, smiling at Elizabeth who nods and hides her face with her teddy.
"She's not too big on dad. None of us are" Mary says, putting an arm around Elizabeth's shoulder.
"So what are your names?"
"I'm Mary and this is Elizabeth and that's Edward" Mary says, looking at Edward who was asleep where he'd been set down to play.
"Well then. I'm Stacey. What do you guys like about your dad?"
"When he goes away" Elizabeth mumbles and Mary bites back a laugh.
"I don't like anything about him. But I agree. It's nice when he's not here. He wasn't nice to us" she says and she starts telling Stacey about what happened at the beach, showing her the now fading bruises on Elizabeth's arm.
"Oh my. Oh dear" Stacey says, looking at their dad and then gently touching Elizabeth's arm.
"There's more on her side too" Mary says as Elizabeth shrinks away from Stacey shyly.
"Okay. Well kids I think this is all I need. Come along sir" she says and Mary watches as Stacey calls the others in and tells them that their dad wouldn't be allowed come see them anymore.
"Mama" Elizabeth mumbles, holding her arms out to Anne who picks her up and holds her close, kissing her cheek.


"So we will need to do one final court visit for this. The date will be decided at some point this week" Anne nods and looks at Elizabeth who was clutching Bo and leaning against her, staying quiet.
"You okay baby girl?" Anne coos, stroking her hair and smiling.
"Yeah. Mama's here baby. I got you" Anne says softly.
"No like dada. Scary"
"I think that settles it really then" the social worker leaves with Henry and there's silence before Mary speaks up.
"I'm glad to be rid of him"

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