Here we go

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It was may. That meant they'd get to go on holidays soon. Anna had bought a brilliant house for them by the beach for them to go during summer holidays. Anne was folding some clothes and tidying them away while listening to Elizabeth's adorable excited ramblings about what she wanted to bring on holidays with her while she jumped on her bed and giggled. Anne smiles as she puts the last thing in the wardrobe, closing it and catching Elizabeth mid bounce.
"Are you excited about our holiday?" She says and Elizabeth giggles.
"Yeah!" She says excitedly, nodding her head and making the two buns she decided she liked having in her hair bob around.
"Hey ladies are you both ready to go swimsuit shopping?" Cathy says, coming into the room.
"Yeah we are" Anne smiles, moving Elizabeth to her hip and carrying her downstairs. They'd be staying there from the start of June to the end of August. Then they'd be home in time for September so Mary could go to school. Then the 7th was Elizabeth's birthday and Anne was really excited.
"Hey we were gonna walk to the shops. Ready to head?" Kitty says and Anne nods, getting the buggy they'd bought for Elizabeth out and getting her strapped in. It would only be needed by her for a little while but it would be easier in the long run and it could be used for Edward when he was old enough.


Mary was excited for the holidays. But at the same time she was a bit bummed. As much as she loved her little sister, Elizabeth was too young to play any serious games or go exploring with. Hopefully there'd be someone her own age there to hang around with. They get to the shop and get the things they need. When they get home, Elizabeth sits on Anne's lap and leans against her while Cathy tells her a story. Jane was cradling a sleeping Edward in her arms while singing. She smiles and curls up at her moms side, allowing her to run her hands through her hair. She had missed her mom so much. She just constantly wished she was little like Edward or Elizabeth so she could curl up on her moms lap or get carried around and lifted easily.


Elizabeth yawns as she rests her head on her mama's shoulder and listens to catcat telling a story all about princesses. She was feeling sleepy after all that shopping. She couldn't wait to go on holidays but Mary was a big kid and wouldn't want to play games with her and Edward was too little to play with. Her mama and catcat were always really close. She hoped that catcat and her mama would get married. Catcat was nice and mama always smiled with her. And catcat made her dada stop being a meanie to her too and was there when she had that scary dream.
"Hey Cathy? Can you watch her for a moment? I'm gonna go take a shower and get my pyjamas on" she feels herself being put on catcat's lap and settles back against her.


Cathy watches Anne go upstairs and smiles as she settles back with Elizabeth resting against her.
"Catcat? Do you love mama?" Elizabeth asks suddenly and Cathy looks down at her.
"I love her more than anything else in the whole universe. Why do you ask?" She says and Elizabeth smiles.
"Cuz mama is always all smiley with you" she says and Cathy chuckles, giving her a little squeeze.
"Oh is she?"
"Uh huh. Super smiley" Elizabeth says and Cathy smiles.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. I'm happy you love mama" Elizabeth says, hugging her.
"Guys that was the most adorable thing I've ever seen and heard" Anna says and everyone nods.
"How is she so gosh darn cute?" Mary says as Elizabeth hides her face and blushes. A little later, Anne comes down and Cathy tells her about what went down. Everyone else showers and gets ready for bed and she and Anne carefully explain them being a couple to Elizabeth who nods and then smiles.
"Yay! Mama and catcat in love!" She says, a huge smile spreading across her face as she runs off to scare Anna who was watching tv by jumping on her. Cathy and Anne crack up when they hear the yelp of shock followed by Elizabeth laughing and Anna joining in.
"So wanna go upstairs ourselves and leave her with Anna? I'm sure we can trust her. I have something in store for you" Cathy whispers and Anne grins.
"Sounds like fun. We'll just say we're tired and want to go to bed early" she says as she and Cathy walk in to where Elizabeth, Mary, Anna and Kitty are building a pillow fort.
"We left you guys alone for five minutes to put Edward down and already theres a fort being built" Jane laughs, coming into the room with Catherine who had an arm around Jane's waist.
"We're making a castle! I'm gonna be a queen" Elizabeth says, popping out with a blanket around her shoulders and a sparkly toy baton in her hand.
"Every queen needs this!" Mary says, putting a foil crown on Elizabeth's head and coming out of the fort just as the crown tips over and falls comically over one of the younger girls eyes.
"We're gonna be sister queens and rule the magical land of sparkle together!" Mary says cheerfully, donning something similar to Elizabeth.
"We gon' watch a movie!" Elizabeth says excitedly.
"Yeah Kitty and Anna are putting brave on!"
"Join us you four!" Kitty says, peeking out from under a pile of cushions.
"I suppose we could wait it out" Anne whispers and Cathy smiles.
"Good idea. I have a feeling this is gonna be something we can't miss" she says as Anne and Catherine take photos of Mary and Elizabeth together.

This is chaos but we'll get through together Where stories live. Discover now