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Seo Changbin often doesn't see the point of school, he knows that he isn't going to use half of the things he learns. His dreams follow a different path than school will take him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't put in the effort. He got himself through high school and is now getting himself through college.

Saying he did it on his own would be a lie, he had more than enough help to get through. Mainly, if he didn't have Seungmin he doesn't know if he would see his school days out. His friend nearing the end of his final high school year, and Changbin nearing the end of his first year in university. He can't help but be a bit antsy. Changbin wants summer to come already and open his world to do the things he really wants to.

Although it may not be summer, spring break is approaching. Ten days of no school, no work, and pure relaxation. It sounds like heaven to Changbin. He can finally get the work he actually cares about done and over with. Ten whole days of lyric writing and playing around with different sounds. He just has to get through the next two days and then he can jump into bed and not move for the next several days.

"Cancel all your plans for spring break!" Seungmin exclaims, taking a seat beside Changbin on the bench outside the high school. Changbin's final class ends a little bit before Seungmin's schooling gets out, so the older always waits for him so the two can walk home together.

"Why?" Changbin asks, snapping his book closed so he can slide it back into his bag.

"Because, I said so," Seungmin quips, standing with the older so they can begin to walk together.

Changbin raises an eyebrow at Seungmin's answer.

"Because a friend of mine wants to go camping and said I could take you with me," Seungmin gives his real answer, ending it with a smile.

Normally, Seungmin's smiles would make Changbin grin from ear to ear, but the words the younger just spoke make it easier to resist the urge.

"No," Changbin says, "I hate camping."

The last time Changbin went camping he woke up to a spider right next to his face. Screaming and shaking the tent, he not only woke up his parents but several of the people camping around them. After Changbin found out it was his older sister who did it, he swore he'd never go camping again, after chasing her around the site with a stick.

"Oh, come on!" Seungmin begs, "it isn't even real camping, it will be in a cabin."

"Still no." Changbin is not giving in. He has no plans on giving up his week of nothing to go to the woods. His week sounds much more enjoyable, plus a lot less dirt.

"Please! It won't be like you won't know anyone, we went to school with these people," Seungmin tells him, hoping that will coax him into coming.

"I already told you, I'm not going and you can't change my mind," Changbin says, slightly picking up his steps so he can get home faster, which in turn will get him out of this conversation quicker.


Changbin doesn't argue when Seungmin follows him home instead of walking two houses down to his own place. However, he is tired of the younger's whining and just wants Seungmin to accept the fact he has no intention of joining him on his camping trip. He hasn't said anything for the past couple of blocks, but Changbin is waiting, the younger always has something up his sleeve.

"Changbin?" He hears his mother call from inside the living room as soon as he opens the front door.

The woman's head sticks out behind the wall, her eyes lighting up slightly when she sees Changbin isn't alone, "Seungmin! I didn't know you'd be coming over."

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