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Felix is at the stables, no one near him as he moves to grab his horse, Argo. He isn't sure anyone is following, to begin with, but if they are, he'd rather move quickly than be caught up to. 

Mounting his horse, Felix is quick to get him to move, running in any direction that is not the castle. The prince is still trying to wrap his head around what happened, the imagery playing through his mind over again. Felix isn't sure he would have recognized what was going on if his vision didn't change colour for that split second. 

Felix may have never had this experience before, but he knows for a fact that the soulmate connection isn't supposed to feel like that. It isn't supposed to make his head and chest hurt; it isn't supposed to send fear through his entire body. He should be calm, happy, elated, anything but what he is feeling now. 

A lot of factors could be at play and explain why he reacted the way he did, but right now he doesn't have time to think about that. Right now, he wants to run, to get as far away as possible so he can clear his head. 

Argo carries him into the woods, Felix not caring in this exact moment where he goes. He still feels a little weird, head pounding in a very unpleasant way. His body slumps forward, his view of the path now completely gone. He has to trust Argo to lead and carry him as far as the horse will go. 

The sun hasn't completely set, but it is getting darker by the hour. Soon, Felix will be engulfed by the evening moon. However, Felix doesn't care, he can't go back, he'll feel too suffocated being there. He needs to spend a few hours outside, even if it begins to get dark and he didn't bring anything to help protect himself against the cold.

Felix doesn't intend to be out long, but he also doesn't plan on going back soon. So, he hopes that he'll be able to endure the chilly night for an hour or so. He knows he shouldn't stay out long enough to worry his family, but he also hopes they understand his need to run. 

Argo comes to a stop, Felix lifting his head slightly to see the trees and bushes around him. The area looks familiar, but it isn't ingrained enough into his head that he'd be able to put a name to it instantly. He whinnies, his steps moving forwards, but only a few inches. Felix looks ahead, a glow coming from in front of him catching his eye. He has seen it before, the sky darkening helping the colour come through. 

Felix knows where he is now. The blue light, the packed trees, this is the direction of the enchanted lake, and it appears that he is closer than he has ever been before. The light is so much more prominent than he has seen it. His parent's words run through his head, he should turn back, but he doesn't want to. Going forward sounds more inviting than doing anything else, and besides, the last place he wants to be right now is at the castle. 

Knowing he doesn't have the energy to walk, Felix hops off Argo anyway. Grabbing the reins, he leads Argo forward, pushing through the shrubbery until he can see he is only yards away from the lake. The light rising and beautiful. 

Felix moves forward, his mind is unsure of where he is being taken. He's too weak to fight off any potentially destructive impulse, and right now he knows that he has wanted to be by this lake for years. So, he moves on, doing something he has always wanted to. 

His head is still aching from earlier, events from before taking a larger toll on Felix's body than he thought it would, but he tries to push that to the side. Felix drops in front of the lake, his legs finally giving out. This is the first moment that he realizes Argo's rein isn't in his hands and he is unsure of where the horse could be. But Felix doesn't have time to figure that out, his body is slowly losing his sensations and his vision is losing its strength. 

Small sounds stick out to him in his remaining seconds of consciousness, something that sounds like a voice is one of the last things that hits him before the sound is no longer there.

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