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Hyunjin awakes with an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty about the day, about tomorrow. He knows that going home is the only option, he can't just abandon his parents and grandmother. But without any knowledge of being able to come back, Hyunjin feels unsure about his decisions. Hyunjin wants to be able to see Felix again, to hold him again, but as soon as he walks through those doors, he might never get that chance again.

His stomach churns with the anxious thoughts in his head driving his morning. None of this feels okay to him. He should be thrilled at the idea that he gets to go home, but he isn't. Of course, he wants to be with his family, there is no question about that, but he also wants to be with this newfound feeling. Hyunjin hates that he has to choose and that he is the only one that can.

Rolling over he sees Seungmin and Jeongin standing by his bed, both of them putting on a friendly smile when they see him staring at them. Hyunjin tiredly smiles back, but no words are shared between them. The older rolls out of bed, only to be met with a small wave of dizziness that causes him to fall back onto the bed, his head lolling down. His friends help him back up, knowing that he is probably not feeling too great this morning. They lead him to the washroom, and set his clothes somewhere so he can change, telling him they will be right outside if he needs anything.

Hyunjin isn't long in the washroom, so when he enters the bedroom, he is ready to follow Seungmin and Jeongin where ever. He can see the concern on his friend's faces, and Hyunjin understands why. They haven't been able to thoroughly discuss the situation with Felix and yesterday with the prince's parents. But Hyunjin is willing to, besides he is sort of stuck right now and having some help from friends would be useful.

The older follows his two friends out of his room, Jeongin leading the way as Seungmin hangs back to walk beside Hyunjin a little more. Hyunjin appreciates the comforting silence that they walk in, knowing that as soon as he meets up with the group, he will have a lot of explaining to do. He isn't sure where he would start, a lot has happened and Hyunjin is confused by his own feelings. But apparently, with the magic that encapsulates Magnolia, this is supposedly normal.

Hyunjin notices the strange path that Jeongin is taking through the castle, but he doesn't say anything about it. He assumes his friends put something together to try and cheer him up. And although he isn't sure he believes it will work, he is still going to join them, because it is the thought that counts. The others lead him down a hall that brings him to a door, Jeongin turning around to speak.

"We thought that you'd enjoy eating outside this morning, give yourself a little break from everything," Jeongin says, pushing open a door that leads to a balcony. Out there are his other friends, standing by the table they set up, food gently placed down the middle.

Hyunjin smiles at everyone, very impressed with the set up they have. This is a lovely gesture, and the location does make it easier for Hyunjin to breathe that he may be able to stomach things.

Seungmin brushes against him, pulling him out of the daze and telling himself to take a seat. He chooses one between Seungmin and Jisung, Hyunjin keeping the smile plastered on his face. Another reason he shouldn't stay, he can't leave all of them. His friends have always been there for him, he can't just throw that away. It's difficult to think about, to figure out. He wants to live with this feeling forever, the amazing one the being with Felix gives him. But it isn't possible, not when he is somewhere beyond just a plane ride.

Although this brought him great difficulty, Hyunjin wouldn't change what happened to them. Sure, at first everything was hard to believe and there is still a part of him that thinks this is some sort of comma dream. But if it is real, then he met someone that he never thought existed, his soulmate, because in his world they don't.

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