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Olivia turns back as she told herself she would. She wonders if she should go and grab Rachel, knowing that their older sister would want to visit with him as well. But she never did like the idea of breaking the rules, and seeing Felix right now would be a big one. 

No one is in the hallway when Olivia steps up, not bothering with knocking before slowly opening her brother's door and peeking in. She doesn't see anyone but Felix sitting on his bed, reading in complete silence.

'Perfect' she thinks. No one here to disturb and Felix has a big enough room that if someone were to come there are enough places to hide.

She steps in closing the door behind her. Felix hasn't seemed to notice her presence which earns a small smirk to creep up on Olivia's face. But she knows she can't, as much as she loves sneaking up and scaring her siblings, she did come here for a serious reason.

"Is this how you plan to spend your day?" Olivia asks, a shocked Felix turning to look at her, "lazing in bed all day and reading?"

He smiles at her, closing his book before scooting to the edge of the bed, "there isn't much else to do."

Felix pats the spot next to him, inviting his sister to join him. She does, skipping over to his bed and jumping up into the spot.

"How mad was dad?" She asks, her tone already dropping its playful hint. 

"Mad," Felix says, "but then mom came in and basically told him he was wrong, and I don't think I'm being punished."

Felix sounds unsure because he really doesn't know what is going to happen. His parents are going to argue and he isn't sure if one will have victory over the other, or they compromise. Either way there is still a high chance that Felix isn't off the hook just yet. 

"Huh?" Olivia says, "that's never happened before."

"No, I was just as confused as you are," Felix adds, leaning into his sister, "so I thought it would be best if I just came to my room, you know, just in case."

Olivia nods, "probably the smart thing to do, wouldn't want him to get angrier at you for another stupid reason."

Olivia is usually fairly compliant with their father's rules. Yes, she is a bit of a trouble maker, but she has a line for herself. She has always hated seeing her father red with anger, nothing has ever made her more fearful, so she circles around the line, knowing that she could poke and prod, but never actually cross. It was her way to rebel, but get nothing more than a slap on the wrist for her actions. 

"Are you doing okay, though?" Olivia asks, "I didn't get to talk to you after the dinner, and Rachel and I were worried."

"I'm okay now," Felix tells her, "but there was a bit there where nothing felt okay."

Felix tells her about running away, how Argo took him deeper into the woods than he meant to go. He tells her about the guy at the enchanted lake, how he helped Felix even though it is rumored that he dislikes everyone in the Kingdom. The story ends with how mad his parents were, with how Felix had to face punishment for something that was out of his control, but maybe his mother saved him from that, they will just have to wait a little bit to find out. 

"I'm sorry that all of this is happening and it is really stressful," Olivia expresses, "but on the bright side, you have a soulmate."

It's an attempt to raise the mood, and Felix understands that. She wants him to be happy, to see these boys being here as a good thing for him. Although he has had the chance to meet a few of them, and nothing bad happened, Felix would really prefer not to go through that pain again. Plus, the person he is destined with isn't from here, Felix isn't really sure a celebration is in order. 

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