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Seojoon and Minho walk back to the library, the room which they have decided is best to work in. It wasn't a disappointing breakfast it was nice, Felix is sweet and shy, but can hold a conversation together fairly well. However, Seojoon is a bit frustrated that they haven't found who it is yet. But with their names crossed off the list, it is left down to three people, it shouldn't be too difficult to find them out who it is. 

Seojoon might be a little antsy to discover who it is now. He's been tracking the days, and they don't have much longer until their break is over. Three days to be exact. This is barely enough time to discover who it is and then try and convince whoever it is to talk to the Prince before they leave. Seojoon can only hope that whoever it is, has already promised themselves not to turn away and run from this situation. 

Walking into the library, they don't expect to see the King standing with their friends, but it has been a bit so really it was only a matter of time.

"Oh, good your all here!" The King excitedly exclaims, waving over to the other boys to join them. Minho and Seojoon offer up a smile, sliding over by their friends so the King can continue what he was telling them.

"As you know I have been having people work on getting you back home," he explains, "I just wanted to ask, in our search we found a cabin not too far out from where you entered the portal, would that be somewhere you'd want us to take you?"

They all look at each other. There is a pretty good chance that the cabin is Jeongin's, but there is no way to be sure. With small nods coming from everyone, they agree that it would be worth it to take the risk and hope that they are dropped exactly where they need to be.

"Yes, it would," Chan answers for them all. 

"Wonderful!" The King exclaims, "it should be ready by Sunday, hopefully, that won't be a problem."

Chan shakes his head, sure it might be a little tight, but if they can switch off driving, they should be able to make it home alright. They can discuss what happened in the car and what they should tell their families when they ask. There is that fear that if they tell the truth at least one of them will be accused of using drugs over the week. 

"It shouldn't be a problem at all," Chan tells him, and he really hopes he means it. Missing even a day of school is hard and people would rather not deal with it.

"I want to be able to send you off with something,  a large going away party would be too difficult to plan, but I was thinking we could do dinner, with you and the whole family," The King tells them, "I know our first one didn't go as planned, but maybe the second one will be better. I'll have someone come by to collect a list of your favourite meals in a bit, we would really like to send you off with something memorable."

It is a little big and maybe a bit much. Really anything they served the boys would be okay with, but they aren't going to stop him from something he is already planning. The boys thank him profusely, it is such a kind offer and hopefully, it will go better. They know that if before the dinner they can figure out this Felix thing then the same thing won't happen twice, they just have a few more people to get through.

The King is on his way out, telling the boys to enjoy their last few days as he exits the room. It isn't that these days here haven't been enjoyable, but the unexpectedness of it has put a little bit of stress on each of them that they weren't expecting for spring break. 


Rachel sits with her brother by the garden, silence envelops them as they watch the flowers growing and the many colours appear. It's always been a beautiful sight, but she knows that this place has always brought a sort of calmness to her brother. The beauty of it has always amazed her, even in the winter their gardener manages to make it the most beautiful spot on the castle grounds. 

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