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Hyunjin walks back to his room alone, needing time to think. When Jisung and Chan came back from their walk they were very quick to tell everyone about their encounter with Felix, letting everyone's eye wander to Hyunjin since he is the only one who has yet to meet the Prince on his own. It became very clear very quickly that it was him and that he would have to be the one to have a very difficult conversation.

He has no idea what he would say, he honestly hopes that Felix knows what to do because he sure as hell doesn't. When he left everyone wanted to go with him, probably wanting to be there for support. But Hyunjin just needs to be alone for right now, he won't be able to think if everyone is around offering up suggestions. 

Tomorrow, Hyunjin tells himself, tomorrow he will go and talk to the Prince. He will give him some the rest of the evening to think and then rest, hopefully giving him enough time to settle his nerves before having to have a very awkward conversation. 

Walking into the room Hyunjin goes straight to the bathroom, wanting to shower before crawling into bed. He feels the stress like dirt and sweat on his skin, needing to wash it away before he will truly feel clean. He knew this was a possibility, but he always thought that it was going to be someone else, he thought that he'd have to watch the resolve from afar, not be the one resolving.

Hyunjin tries to let all the thoughts leave his mind when he steps under the steaming water of the shower. He lets his mind wander as the water flows down his body, allowing himself to relax as the warmth penetrates his skin. It works, but only for a little bit. Every time thought about anything else would leave a new thought about Felix would come in. 

He is stressed and nervous about tomorrow, having absolutely no idea what he is going to say. He barely knows the Prince but staying here wouldn't really be an option. He has family back at home, and here he doesn't have anything. Surely Felix would understand that maybe he'd even tell Hyunjin to leave, to choose to go home rather than stay here with him. But Hyunjin tries to remind him that he needs to save this for tomorrow, thoughts of it only going to stress himself out more. 

When he is finally out and dry, silk pyjamas adorn his body. Hyunjin can say that he will miss the clothes, the soft comfortable fabric that slides across the skin in the nicest way. There is a lot about this place that he'll miss, it's a magical and Hyunjin has yet to explore it in its entirety. 

Crawling into bed, Hyunjin hears the door opening to his shared bedroom. Chan and Minho enter, no one else is with them, which he is glad about. He isn't wanting to talk to them about this at least not yet. Hyunjin wants to gather all of his thoughts before sharing them with anyone, and he feels Felix is the first that needs to have them shared with. 

The older boy's say goodnight to him, keeping only the lamplight beside their beds on, so it doesn't disturb Hyunjin too much. They all know that Hyunjin wants to be left alone, and although they would love to know what is going on inside his head, they leave it alone, giving Hyunjin his time and space until he can come to them. 

It doesn't take long for Hyunjin to feel himself begin to drift off. He's tired and ready to catch up on his much-needed sleep, the stress of their situation taking a toll on the quality of sleep Hyunjin has been getting. So, when his head hits the pillow and his body relaxes into the coolness of the sheets it's not long until he gives in and his dreams envelop his mind.


in the morning, Hyunjin is awoken to Seungmin gently shaking his shoulder. Everyone else is still asleep, but the younger male wanted Hyunjin to come and eat with him. Hyunjin's eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness of the room, they forgot to close the curtains last night, so it shines through prominently, he is surprised it hasn't woken the other's yet. 

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