Chapter 5

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"Why are you here?"

Tendou's father asked when he saw him entered the door.

"Why can't I? it's my house too."

He said without looking at his father and walking straight towards his room.

"How dare you speak to your father like that? Remember that you left."

He paused and looked at Tendou's direction.

"Wait, Did your guy dumped you already that's why you decided to come back?"

He still heard what his father said but chose to ignore it. It's always like this, every time he went home, every time his father is home. Since he decided to come out years ago, they never really see eye to eye with each other again. Well, they always get into arguments even when he still haven't come out and it just got worse when he said that he is gay.

Coming out to his father was the hardest thing that he ever did. He knew that it would not end up well but he still took the risk. He's still thankful that when he came out to Shirabu, Goshiki and Semi they accepted him. They were shocked but they still accepted him maybe that is why he tried coming out to his father even though he still know that it will fail.

He sighed and got up from his bed. He doesn't really know where to go, he doesn't want to stay in his house and always have arguments with his father, and he also doesn't want to bother Goshiki or Shirabu or Semi. He sighed once again and started packing his things even though he doesn't know where to go.

Guess I need to stay here for a few days or months...

He frowned; all he need is to avoid his dad. His dad works in a law firm and usually came home late, so he can freely move during the day and when night comes he'll just stay inside his room. While he's here he will find a temporary job so that he can save up money, doesn't mean he don't have one, in fact he got his own savings from the photography contests that he won but it's still not enough to sustain him if ever he will leave the house for good.

What would have happened if I never confessed to Ushijima about my feelings.... maybe I'm still at his house, freelancing, eating delicious cakes and seeing him every day.....

But If I didn't do that ? I would also end up suffering everyday....

It's really difficult falling in love.

He sighed.

Why did I ever fell in love with him. I mean, there are lots of men on our team , on our school, why does it have to be Ushijima.

He turned around and buried his face on his pillow when he remembered the thing that happened inside Ushijima's bathroom.


FUCK I HATE THIS SO MUCH. I hate this, I hate that I miss his stupid expressionless face so much.

He shouted but his shout was muffled by the pillow.
When he already calmed down, he took a deep breath and sat up.

I need to pull myself back together.

He took his phone and scrolled through his gallery, there are different pictures from sceneries such as gardens, clouds, the sea, there are also pictures of the cakes from Ushijima's cafe and that one chocolate cake from the other cafe and of course random pictures of Ushijima himself. He smiled at the random shots that he took.

I should just delete these.

His phone gallery that was once filled with Ushijima's pictures starting from their high school to university until now will be deleted. He started counting.

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