Chapter 14

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It's now March 16, a little more than a month ago I left California. I left the only true friends I had. And I left the one person I loved. I haven't heard much about any of them. I didn't want to because when I think about Riker, I just think about him hurting. I used to wake up screaming from the pain coming from my neck. I miss him so much though. My thoughts were interrupted when someone was knocking repeatedly on the door. I rushed to the door to answer it. Thank God my aunt took Ryder out with her so he wouldn't be crying because of the door. I opened it to see Elisa standing there, looking as panicked as ever.

"Kristen, you have to come back!" She stood there waiting for me to say something.

"What? Elisa, come in." I let her inside and she sat down.

"Since you left, we're all in danger. Riker has changed a lot. He acts as if he doesn't care about anything anymore. He has been out late at night feeding off of random people and he doesn't even act as himself anymore. And it only gets worse."

I looked at her concerned, "How does it get worse?"

"He-He started dating Sophia. Out of all girls he could use to move on, he chooses the one who hurt us all."

"Doesn't he know what she did to Ross? I mean he was a big part in it." I said, giving her the 'are you serious' look.

"That's what I'm saying, he doesn't care anymore. He has been so careless about his secret. I asked him what is he going to do when she finds out and he simply said he will tell her himself when it comes to it."

I stayed silent and remembered how Sophie worked, when she got mad at Elisa, she attacked her weak spot. Taking what she loved most and hurting it. I did the same thing Elisa did so obviously Sophie would want to hurt me. That's why she showed up at my house thinking we could be friends so she could get underneath my skin. I guess when I left she found out that I was dating Riker if he were to show how miserable he was, then she took in to kill. Wait, if she finds out about the three of them, then there is no hesitation that she will.......oh no.

"Elisa, if she finds out about you, she could hurt you all by having the whole town search for you and hunt you down. We can't have that!"

"You're telling me. I've been there and being hunted ain't no fun either. She could end up having your father come in and do it. Kristen, he killed my parents and it's a miracle he didn't get me. Miracles don't happen all the time. That's why you need to come back and fix this. Everyone tried talking Riker out of this path, but the only person he'll listen to is you."

My neck burned like crazy, but I had to do it. Sophie isn't getting away with hurting this family. Not again. "I'll do it. I'll leave Ryder here that way he isn't in the middle of all this, I need to leave my aunt a note though." I went to the kitchen, wrote a note, grabbed the things I needed, and went back to where Elisa was. "Alright, let's go."

A few hours later, we arrived at the Lynch house. I got out of the car and headed towards the door. I go to knock when Elisa came, "You don't need to knock, just go." She opens the door and gestures for me to go in. I walked in and we were met by Ross.

"Elisa where'd you go? I thought you were at the cabin and when you weren't I freaked out and....." Before he could finish, Elisa pointed at me and Ross followed with his gaze. "Kristen, what are you doing here? We missed you, especially Riker. He changed really bad. In fact, he started...."

I put my hand up to silence him, "I know what happened and that's why Elisa brought me back. Calm down, its very easy to tell you've been worried to death." I laughed a bit.

"Well, I am already dead and..." His eyes widened, "Kristen, what happened to your neck?" I grabbed ahold of it and Elisa observed it.

"Oh my god, it got worse! Kristen, what happened while you were gone?"

I shook it off, "Nothing, I was just worried for Riker. Where is he Ross?"

"He left with Sophie to go to the Casablanca nightclub."

"A nightclub? Wow, come on let's go." Elisa said, dragging me out. I got in the passenger seat as Ross got in the back.

We made it to the club and snuck in the back. We separated so we could find Riker quicker. I made my way through all the sweaty drunk people until I reached the side where there were sofas and I found Riker sitting at one of them, looking out a window. Sophie was nowhere near him so I went to go see him. I sat across from him and waited for him to look over.

"Sophie, I have something to tell..." He looked over and froze. His eyes were once dark like in my dream, then they went back to his normal ones and I saw a gleam in them. "K-Kristen? Wha-what are you doing here?"

"I heard about how you changed and I came here to help you. Listen, Sophie is going to hurt you because she wants to hurt me. She did the exact same thing to Elisa.." I got cut off by him laughing.

"You and Elisa are the same. Everything is about you and everything is about her." His eyes were now dark again. "Let me tell you something Kristen. Elisa had everything that was coming to her. She thinks she is a badass that can order people around because she supposedly 'had a hard enough life' and she has my little brother wrapped around her little finger and brought him into this mess. If she wasn't here, none of us would be in this mess. As for you Kristen, you think you are little miss sunshine over here because you say that even though your dad is a vampire hunter and you won't kill them because 'you're good in the heart'. If I were you Kristen, I would've followed your daddy's faith and kill us." He said ask these things harshly and with each word, I felt more and more pain. Tears were in my eyes and I couldn't hold them back for dear life. From both the pain of the side of my neck and from his words. I couldn't take it anymore so I just got up.

"If that's how you feel then I guess I will have to accept that. I came here to warn you but I can't change your mind. Goodbye Riker, I worried and missed you while I was gone, but I can see you didn't feel the same." I took a steady breath. "I can see you don't love me like I love you." I mumbled, walking away. As I walked I saw Sophie standing there, smirking. Had she heard the whole conversation?

Then it came to me, this was all a part of her plan. She is known for hurting someone in their sensitive spots. She knew about my past of leaving for different reasons. She came to my house to 'patch things up' right before my mom and Jason were in the car accident which she would think that's why I would leave due to being alone with a baby. Riker would be devastated and that's when she would move in and control him, change him to make him think the different and be against me. She now saw that happen and she knows it's killing me. She just heard about Riker's secret and about my father so it's a no brainer that she is going to make one final move. The move that will make my dad kill the love of my life. This was definitely killing me. Emotionally and physically. I started to feel dizzy and the room became blurry. I felt a shock of pain worse than any other stab into my neck and shoot through my body. It was too much to bear. I collapsed onto the ground, gripping my neck and screamed, causing the whole place to go into silence. I felt someone beside me. I heard voices. I couldn't make out who the person was or any words that were said. Everything happened all at once until finally it all went black.............................................................

Here is chapter 14! Duh duh dun! What do you think Kristen meant about Sophie's plan? Could she really be that evil? To kill someone's parents? Tell me what you think! Vote and comment:)

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