Idk what to title thissss

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Heyyyyyy it's meeeee just wanted to say I have no clue what I'm doing 😗✌🏻.

~~~~~~~~~~no ones POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Midoriya lie awake with a sickening feeling in his stomach. Like something bad was gonna happen. Todoroki's arms where wrapped around the smaller boy's torso from behind. He was completely and utterly asleep. It was around 4:00 am. Midoriya began to cry. He didn't know why. He always sorta felt when something bad was going to happen. He just hoped that it wouldn't be to his beloved boyfriend.

BUZZ BUZZ. Midoriya's alarm went off waking todoroki up. Midoriya was awake the whole time. He slowly but carefully sat up and leaned over the taller boy to turn off the alarm. He sat back with a sigh.
"Shoto wake up, it's time for school." He whispered while slightly shaking the bi hared boy's chest. His eyes fluttered open and meeting with Midoriya's big, emerald one's.
"Oh, good morning my izuku..." He trialed off starting to doze off again. The green haired boy blushed at the fact he said 'my izuku' it made him feel important. Needed.

~~~~~~~~~~~todoroki's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up to faint whispers and someone shaking my chest. Nooooo I don't wanna get up! Ughhhh. The whispers became more clear and I recognised the voice. Will a lot of effort open my eyes and my love's big emerald one's greet mine. Awwww. My izuku is too cute. He looked troubled. "Good morning my izuku." I say but slowly doze of again. He continued trapped my shoulder. Fine I'll get up but only for you. I sit up, rubbing my eyes desperately trying to stay awake. Izuku has big bags under his eyes. Did he sleep at all? "Izuku you look tired are you ok? Did you not sleep well?" I ask with concern. He stared up at me and gave a reassuring smile. Too. Fucking. Precious. I just want to kiss him all over. "Oh I'm fine, really. When I think something bad is gonna happen I usually get a weird feeling, y'know? So I got that feeling and couldn't sleep. I'm sure it's nothing tho." I state as I begin to get up from bed and reach for my closet, shoto did the same.

I reach into izuku's closet. I had my clothes in his closet since I slept in there a lot of the time. I grab my uniform and start to change. I get undressed till I'm in nothing but my boxers and realise something. "Ah shit." I curse. I had no clean boxers. I really can't be bothered to change back into my pj's. Should I take a risk and hope no one's see's me running to my room I'm just my underwear? Or should I just not be a lazy bitch and put my old clothes on? "What's wrong?" Izuku asked with a very precious glare. "Forgot my pants." I reply sternly. I decided just risk it and go half-naked. "Be right back!" I say just about to leave the room.
"Where you going?" He questioned.
"Need pants." With that I left the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~izuku's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He is crazy. Seriously just gonna risk it and leave half-naked. He really is an idiot. A lazy, needy (hot) idiot. I shake my head with a small chuckle and continue to change.

~~~~~~~~~~Todoroki's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I run. Run down the hall to my room. Luckily no one was around. Or so I thought. I turned a corner, still running. And denki's dumbass' is walking towards me. Shit. I can't turn back now it's too late. He looked up from his phone and see me in my boxers. He eyes widened and a small grin lay upon his face.
"Uhhh what's up, todoroki?" He managed to say with out burying out with laughter.
"Don't you dare mention this ever." I say as I stare right down at him.
"Don't really wanna die today so, you're secret is safe with me!" He said returning to whatever he was doing on his phone. Phew. I continue running to my dorm. I reach the door handle and push.

What. The. Fuck. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me...


Word count: 698

Hey guys that was really crappy so sorry! Idk why I'm doing an 'author's note' because no one's gonna read this crap but of well 🤷🏼‍♀️😅.

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