Two boys.

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"S-SHE SPLIT ME...US IN TWO!!!!!" The boy with red hair screeched.
"I-IT WILL ONLY LAST FOR A WEEK!" The blonde girl screeched.
"umm right ok, todor- boys, get on the bus please, I will handle this matter..." aizawa broke the two's screaming up and motioned his hand towards the bus. The two boys headed in the bus. Once they got there they came to the conclusion that only one of them could sit next to Midoriya.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Midoriya's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was sitting on the bus, talking to iida about his brother when I saw two boys that I've never seen before enter the bus. My eyes darted at them. They looked exactly the same except one had red hair, blue eyes and the other had white hair, grey eyes. Other then that they looked identical. Omfg. ( for the record that stands for 'what the frick he is too cinnamon roll to swear.) i-is that todoroki?! One of the red haired boys starred at me then at the white haired boy. "IM SITTING NEXT TO IZU YOU CAN'T FUCKING STOP ME!" He shouted at the boy and started running when aizawa grabbed his arm.
"Neither of you are sitting next him."(PeroidT...I'm sorry.) they both sighed in unison and knowing they couldn't reason with their teacher. They sat next to each other 2 rows behind me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No One's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Midoriya was still frozen. He followed them with his eyes when they walked past to find a seat. The redhead winked at him and the other boy blew a kiss at him.
"Oh right shit yeah umm so someone's quirk kinda leaked and split todoroki in two it will only be like that for two weeks." aizawa announced to the passengers riding the bus. It wasn't just Midoriya that froze every one did.

The two boys plopped them selves in their seat while everyone as staring at them. The red head resembled todoroki's almost emo kinda side. He was needy, hard headed and jealous. The other boy was the complete opposite (except for the needy part lol that's just todoroki's genuine mood) he was kind, soft and gentle. "what?" The red head coldly questioned toward everyone staring at him.
"Uhhhhh you good?" Denki dumbly asked like the dumbass he was. "Do I look fucking goo- WERE FINE!" The white haired boy cut him off and gave him a death stare.

Word count: 402.

That's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it ✌🏻😗 ToOdlEs No0dlEs!

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