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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No One'sPoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

While roki left to change, todo looked at Midoriya with some sort of plan in his eyes. "U-umm you need t-to change too..." Midoriya said stuttering on his words a little. Todo had to go change, but he didn't want too. He wanted to stay with his izu for as long as he can, but he knew he wouldn't be able to fight against izuku so he settled on getting changed. "Oh right, be right back!" He exclaimed before getting up and heading towards the bathroom. Yeah todo and roki were the same person, but getting dressed together would still be a bit weird.

~~~~~~~~~Midoriya's PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Omg. So like what...? We are all going to school together. Will he be able to do training? Does he still have his quirk? Maybe roki has the fire quirk and todo has the ice quirk? That would make sense since the colours go with the quirk. Right? So in that case they would be able to do combat training since they know how to use each quirk? Why hadn't I asked these questions before? What about normall class- "I'm back! Where's todo?" Roki asked while running into the common room. He looked scruffy. He was probably trying to be quick so the time spent with him gone would minimise. His hair was fine. So not fair. He doesn't have bush-hair. I'm so jealous! He missed a button on his blazer so it was all screw-wiff. His belt had not been threaded though properly so it looked like one of those off-white belts.

 His belt had not been threaded though properly so it looked like one of those off-white belts

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^^ (reference)

And his shoe laces weren't done up. Right after studying his outfit, todo came in. Surprisingly, getting changed faster then his duplicate, he looked very neat. Nearly as neat as Iida. Nearly.
"You look scruffy! Tidy yourself up a bit!" Todo moaned at roki. "Tch, you're not my mum!" Yelled back roki but accepting defeat as he indeed was very scruffy. Once he tidied him self up, I stood up and made my way over to the exit. "We best be off, school is g-gonna start in ten minutes." I jested toward the door. "Okey!" Roki said enthusiastically. Before I could figure what he was so exited about, he intertwined his fingers with mine. I soon felt a heat cover my face and began to go red. Lost for words, I just accepted it. Another hand was interlocked with mine. This time the hand belonged to todo's. O-ok. We were all holding hands as we strolled towards the school building. I was redder then a radish. Neither of them didn't even have a light dusting of pink on their faces! How can they stay so calm and collected?! As we entered the building we received a small amount of weird looks but those looks turned into realisation once there was an announcement on the speakers. Of course it was present mic. "DEAR STUUDDENTS OF U.A!! STUDENT SHOTO TODOROKI HAS BEEN SPLIT INTO TWOOOO VERSIONS OF HIM SELF!!! DONT BE ALARMED HEEE IS THE SAME PEEERRRSONN!! YEAHHHHHHH!" Shouted the announcement. Todo and roki seemed to be a bit embarrassed to things since there faces tired red and they both looked at the floor. "T-this is class 1-A, guys." I said as they both turned to look at me. Todo pulled my hand up to his mouth, and gently kissed it. As if I wasn't already flustered!!!! He let go and headed to the seat Aizawa Sensei motioned for him too sit in. Roki however snarled at todo and proceeded to head to his seat. I was just frozen. Fortunately, uraraka ran up too me and shook me out of my freeze frame.


Heyyyyy I just wanted to say, IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR A WHILE!!!! I was on a holiday if you like and completely forgot to write. ALSO!!! 201 reads HOLY FUCKING SATAN!!!!!! Arigatō!!
Just wanna recommend this fucking amazing anime I just finished. It's called 'given' and is so good. It's about this boy who's ex used to play guitar but he died and he got the guitar. He doesn't know how to play it though. He meets someone who does and begs him to play guitar, eventually he gives in and teaches him. After some time, the guitarist (uenoyama) discovers the other boys vocal talent (Sato) and invites him to his band. He accepts and becomes part of his band. After some time, uenoyama and Sato fall in love. It's my fav anime plz go check it out!!! Oh it's really gay! That's one of the reasons I like it so much lol. Anyways , have a good one!

ToOdlEs No0dlEs

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