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"Uhhhhh you good?" Denki dumbly asked like the dumbass he was. "Do I look fucking goo- WERE FINE!" The white haired boy cut him off and gave him a death stare.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Midoriya's PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ahdksjdkcbdhsh. My boyfriend has been split in two?! I now have two boyfriends? Does this count as polymerous?! Nah it probably doesn't I mean there the same person, right? Do they share the same brain? I didn't realise I was staring at the boys for such a long time. Iida snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Midoriya, you have been staring at todor- the boys for about half an hour, are you ok?" He asks. I snap out of my daze and lock eye contact with him "notreallyimenmyboyfriendjustgotsplitintotwoandidontknowwhattodohowamIgonnalivelikethisIknowheisonlygonnabelikethatforaweekbuthowamI-" I rambled off but iida stoped me. "Don't worry, it's only for a week. Besides now you have todoroki x2 haha" He tried to reassure Me but he was just telling me things I already knew. Although hearing it from someone else made it easier to understand in a way. "T-thanks." I reply and collapse in fatigue.

Hours pass and we arrive at school again. I feel someone lightly shaking my chest. I crack my eyes open to see Iida attempting to wake me up. I sit up, rub my eyes and thank him for waking me up.

"No problem." He reply's and stands up, I do the same. Everyone filters out the bus. The todoroki's are last out of the vehicle. I was walking towards the school dormitory when I hear someone, no two people calling my name. "Izu...IZU!" They- whoever they are- shout in unison. I spin around to see both todoroki's sprinting towards me. I just stand there. In a matter of 3 seconds they both reach me. The redhead hugs me and lifts me off the ground slightly. Once he put me down the white haired boy does the same. "Izuku!" They day and smile at me. I was so tried I almost fell asleep, but I managed to stay afoot. "Uhhh hey?" I reply while rubbing my eyes clearly exhausted. "Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?" The redhead asked. I yawn and reply "y-yes please..." He swoops me up and carries me bridal style towards the building. "So umm, can I call you roki?" I say looked up at him "and you todo?" I point at the boy with white hair. "That would be a lot easier so go ahead, izu." Todo replies.

We eventually reach the dorms and bust though the door. Mina, sue, uraraka, denki, kirishima and jirou were all in the common room and stared at the sight before them. "H-hey guys..." I stutter out. There's eyes dart at me. "Roki, put me down!" I whisper shout. He does so. "So umm he's called roki." I point at roki. "And that's todo." I point at todo. "That's an easier way to understand." Kirishima says. "Goodnight guys!" Mina says while walking off to her room. The others soon followed while also say 'goodnight'. It was just todo, roki and I in the room now. I walk over to the sink, fill a cup of water and start to walk over to my room. "G-good night guys, we'll try figure all this out tomorrow..." I state and head up stairs. I didn't receive a reply so I turn around and see that they has each other but the collar. Roki shouts "I'M SLEEPING WITH IZU!"
I run over just before one of them punches the other in the face. "G-guys what are you doing?!" I whisper shout trying not to wake anyone up. "Seeing who gets to sleep with you." Todo calmly replies. I give them a are-you-actually-kidding-me look. "Just both of you sleep in your own room." I suggest.

"B-but!" Roki starts. "I just go to bed." I say as I yawn. Todo looked at roki with a flare in his eye. "Fine." They give up and head to their room. "Goodnight!" I wave and head into my room. They silk and close the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Ones PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The two boys flop down on the bed. Todo gets up and arranges a futon for him too 'sleep' in. He wasn't actually going to sleep in their. His plan was to: when roki falls asleep, he will sneak into his izu's room. Once he had prepared his futon, he undressed, snuggled into the sheets and pretended to fall asleep. Roki did the same.

Izuku changed from his UA uniform into some bunny pyjamas. Cute I know. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

~~~~~~~~~~~Todo's PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I can hear roki snoring. I jump out of bed ever so quietly trying my very hardest not to wake the boy up. Opening the door, i peer around to see if anyone is there. Coast is clear. I start my mission and get to my izu's door. I open it and see his adorable, sleeping face. So cute. I blush and close the door behind me. I tiptoe my way over to my sleeping boyfriend and lift up the sheets. Awww look at his little bunny pyjamas. Clambering into his bed, I wrap my arms around his sleeping body and place my chin on top of his head. I felt him wake up with a jump. "Shhhhhh it's only me, todo." I reassure him by rubbing up and down his arm. He gently falls asleep again in my clasp. Shit. Roki is gonna blow my face off. Oh well that can wait for tomorrow, right now I'm cuddling my izu and that's all that matters.


Word count: 950.

Holy moly that's a lot of words. I wanted to say THANKYOU FOR 19 READS I APPRECIATE IT!

ToOdlEs No0dlEs

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