Im back bitches

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I'm back bitches. I'm so so so sorry about not updating. I completely forgot about the story. I hope you can forgive me. Anyway this chapter is gonna be shit like the others but you just gotta hang in there
Also I just wanna say that if you are under 13 I don't feel comfortable you reading my book. It may be pretty PG but I just don't feel comfortable.

(It's the next school day)

No ones pov

Izuku walking into class looking rather fatigued then usual. He had gotten no sleep. The reason being he thought someone was watching him. He walked and was immediately greeted by todo and roki. Roki kissed his cheek and head making izuku giggle but make todo have a slight look of jealousy on his face. Giving him the evils he stopped kissing him and walked to his seat once sense I stepped in.

"Okay. Register." (If you don't know what that is it's where the teacher says all the names and you reply with a here or present. So the teacher knows who is here and who isn't)

He called out the names in alphabetical order before class started.

~time skip to lunch because I'm fucking lazy~

Uraraka, iida, tsu And Midoriya were all sat on a bench to eat their lunch. It was a nice day outside so they decided to enjoy the scenery. Roki walks over with a grin and gave a hand out for izuku to take. "Come with me. (And you'lll see a woooorrrllld of your imaginationnnn) it'll only be a sec." He says while pulling Midoriya away.

Roki leads them to a closet and locks the door. "Umm roki what are we doing in her-" roki moved closer and closer to izuku before attaching his lips. Midoriya unconsciously kissed back. Roki's tongue roamed around the shorter boy's mouth earning small sounds from Midoriya. The red headed boy slipped his hand up Midoriya's shirt when he pulled away. "Stop. Not here." Midoriya stood his ground and was not gonna let roki push him around

(That's as intense as it's gonna get because I feel very awkward and uncomfortable writing that)

"I- ...... I'm sorry. I got a bit ahead of myself," roki apologised. With a less sincere face. "Yeah just... ask next time..." Midoriya said whilst unlocking the door.
"Wait no I'm genuinely sorry please don't be mad at me!" But Midoriya had already walked away.

~back at the table~

"Oh hey deku what's up!" Uraraka asks while tucking into her food. "Not much. Just kinda got sexually assaulted.. haha. But not like seriously tho. I guess it was more borderline sexual assault....." he said showing a bit of pasta in his mouth. "what happened!?" Iida And Uraraka asked in unison. "I- umm when roki took me to a closet to m-make out but it seemed like he wanted to do more then just k-kiss. He started to put a hand up my shirt and his hand was dangerously close to my n-nipple...." he finished mouth full of pasta.

I'm so sorry for the filler but I have no clue what to write rn.

(This is just a rant so you can skip if u wanna)

I'm so done with this fucking fandom man. Near enough every one is toxic about what people ship and try to shove their ships down your throat. In MY opinion- I think the show it's self is overrated. The characters are boring and stereotypical. The show is full of fillers and nothing insanely interesting happens. Nothing is making me want to watch on.

(Rant over- I'm sorry lmao)

ToOdlEs NoOdlEs

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