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*3 days ago*

Toga POV
Haha. I cant believe I get to sneak into U.A!! I'm so excited! Now that we have a new member on the team- yatorki I think it was- we are stronger then ever! Btw that was just a random name. All they've told me is that I'm sneaking into U.A as someone else but that's it. Them big boring meanies!
"Listen yo you fucks." Shiggy said calling out to us. "The plan is: we capture a female student called momo Yaoyorozu. She is running an errand tomorrow that is when we get her. We won't harm her toga. She needs to have no evidence that we captured her. Once captured, toga shall extract a drop of her blood and sneak in tomorrow. Momo is one of the most attractive students in U.A. Supposedly. We can use this to our advantage. Toga as momo sneaks in and 'suduces' todoroki shoto. Hopefully he gives in and dates her. Once dating you lean his secrets and fears. We use them to make him join the league. Yatori will 'accidentally' bump into him and spit him in two when they go on their school training trip thing. This will make it easier. Got it?" He said again staring straight at me. "Okie dokie we gotta capture todoroki!" I say cheerfully. This is gonna be fun!!! But what if it all backfires? What if todoroki is gay? He's probably not. "How do you know that's gonna work? Will her parents or friends not notice? What if todoroki doesn't fall for momo?" Moonfish spoke up. Since when was he one to worry? "If it all backfires -which it won't- then toga comes back, we wash momo's memory and apresto all's back to normal."  Dabi answered giving a sigh. He didn't look all to happy about the plan. But hey who am I to care? I get to change into momo! Sheeeesss cute. I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!! But I have to wait. For a whole day! That's so long. How long would I have to be momo for? Wouldn't I need more blood if I'm staying in her body for long? Ah well I'll worry about that later... right now it's time to celebrate!

*back to present day*
Roki's POV
Fucking motherfucker platypus face! Now todo will get to spend more time with my izu! There both fucking motherfucker platypus faces!" No scratch that all three of them are fucking motherfucker platypus faces. Sensei, bAkUgou and todo! Ugh! Now I have fucking house arrest with this donkey! Fuuuuucccccckkkk! "THATS ALL YOURE FAULT! IF YOU JUST STUCK YOUR NOSE OUT OF IT WE WOULDN'T BE ON STUPID HOUSE ARREST!" BaKugoU screeched at me. "HUH MY FAULT?! YOURE THE ONE THAT FUCKING MADE FUN OFF IZUKU!" I screech back. Lmaooo his face is priceless. "YOU WANNA FUCKING GO?!?!" He screams, explosions erupting from his hands. Hmm I'll take the challenge. "COME ON THEN!" I replied, fire forming from my body. He charged at me with his explosions. I dodged his attack and scorched his arm with my fire. His eyes just went redder and started to twitch. "Oh it's on..."


I open my eyes to find a light, white room with medical equipment scattered about. Wtf? Turning my head, I see an unconscious BaKuGou coved in casts, plasters and a hell lot of bandages. What the hell happened?  Turning back from his direction I see an asleep broccoli haired boy collapsed in a chair sat next to my...bed? O. I'm in a hospital. But why is izuku here. I look behind him and see todo. Bitchass fucker. I stretch my arm out to touch izu's hair but I'm palled back by something. It was a wire. Several wires. All submerged into my arm pumping something clear into it. Eww. I see that I am -as same as baKUgoU- coved in casts, plasters and bandages.


Sorry that took so long to publish guys.

ToOdlEs NoOdlEs

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