C h a p. 4

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♥️They are 16

♥️Word count-7176

Sonia was out taking a long spa retreat, because the stress from college applications and constantly hounding her son was getting to her, leaving Eddie and Richie alone for the weekend. Eddie was terrified thinking about college, seeing as he would be going in a year, but pushed aside his thoughts for the night as he snuggled deeper into the cushions of the couch.

Richie was sat next to him, merely a foot apart, staring into his pale-white notebook, light mixing with that of the bright tv screen. "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" was blaring through the speakers, shaking the room with its volume. Richie was writing away in his notebook, fringe clipped back messily as he crossed his pajama-covered legs. Eddie grumbled.

"Dude, you're not even paying attention!" He flung his hand at the screen. Richie looked up at him questioningly.

"Why does it matter?" He shrugged.

"BECAUSE THE SOUND OF MUSIC IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR" He moved closer to Richie, gripping the collar of his shirt.

"Okay, okay, jeez..." He held his hands up to surrender. "You win, spaghetti man."

Eddie pulled back, blushing at the previous closeness, regardless of the nickname. Even if they'd both confessed their feelings for each other, Eddie still got butterflies every time they were close. Richie cleared his throat, catching Eddie's attention, breaking his train of thought. A shy, reassuring smile spread across Richie's lips.

"Hey..." Eddie spoke up. "We don't have to watch this anymore if you don't want to..." He paused the movie, smiling back up at Richie. "We can do something else, I just didn't want you to be mistaken as an uncultured swine." He snorted.

"Hey!" Richie laughed, shoving Eddie in the shoulder. "You're one to talk! You've never even seen Holy Grail!"

"Because it's so weirrrrd." He scrunched his face. Richie thought it was adorable.

"Pff- okay, whatever you say." Richie rolled his eyes, giggling at Eddie's cuteness. "Wait! I actually have something to show you."

Richie pulled Eddie next to him, wrapping an arm around his small frame, as he flipped through his notebook to a stupid doodle he made in class. Eddie's face was on fire, his eyes unmoving from Richie's full, slightly chapped lips. He swallowed nervously. As Richie was searching for the page. Eddie rested his head on his shoulder, still not paying attention to the doodle in front of him.

Richie looked back at him waiting for a response. It took Eddie a second to move his eyes off his lips and look at him in the eyes. They locked gazes, Eddie biting his lip out of habit.

So... this is happening.

Richie set his notebook down, moving his hand to cup Eddie's cheek. He turned so their bodies were parallel. He took off his glasses and paused, looking for some form of approval, and when Eddie gently nodded, he found it.

So he, slowly, pressed their lips together. Eddie was trembling, he could feel it, heat flowed between where they connected. Richie rested a hand on Eddie's waist, and Eddie instinctively wrapped his arms around Richie's neck in response. He ran his fingers in the dark waves, while Richie gripped on to the fabric of his shirt. Eddie pulled away.

"R-Rich..." He spoke his name against longing lips. Richie hummed in response, reconnecting their kiss again. Eddie leaned back, grabbing on to his hair more firmly now. Both of their breathing quickened, as they continued kissing, heavy and urgent this time.

Every time they pulled apart to catch their breath, every single reconnection, it was electric.

"You're- Mn... good at this." Eddie moaned out between breaths. Richie almost stopped breathing entirely. He pulled away, placing his forehead on Eddie's shoulder as he held on to the curve of his back. "W-What?" Eddie stuttered. "Did I do something wrong?"

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