C h a p. 11

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Eddie is going to die due to his illness. Eddie's Mom is manipulative and Richie's is abusive.

Eddie stared down at the cold tile flooring. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was going to die. How much longer did he have left on this horrible planet? He started to twiddle his thumbs as all of these thoughts raced through his head. God this was so much to comprehend.

"Eddie, honey, everything will be okay. Mommy's here and I'll make sure that you live the best life you possibly can." She smiled and carefully pet her sons hair.

Eddie pulled himself away from her and continued to look down at the floor, "C-Can I go hang out with my friends?" Eddie looked up at her and shot her a fake smile.

"You're lucky I'm going to be nice to you today. Go ahead and go, make sure you have your medicine baby." She kissed his forehead and watched as he gathered his medicine before he waved goodbye and left. In reality he wasn't even going to go hang out with his friends. He just needed to get out of the damn house, he needed to get some fresh air to clear his mind. Eddie went to the park and sat down on one of the benches outside.

"Y-Y-You're kidding me r-right?" Bill laughed at the absolutely horrible joke that Richie had made. "He's full of himself Bill, he'd never do that. Especially to Beverly." Stan responded, rolling his eyes. "It happened guys, I'm telling you. You trying to make a liar out of me?" Richie laughed. They joked around for a bit until they spotted Eddie in the park. Bill was the first to notice the small boy sitting all by himself on the bench.

"E-E-Eddie!" Bill waved to his friend and noticed how upset he was. He whispered something to the group and they all proceeded to walk over to him. Richie sat down next to him while Bill did the same. The others sat down on the grass and watched all of it unravel because they wanted no part in any of this.

Richie swung his arm around Eddie's shoulder and smiled, "What's shaking Eddie Spaghetti?" Richie looked down at his small friend happily and watched as he shrugged Richie's arm off his shoulder. This wasn't unusual since Eddie wasn't really the kind of person who liked to be touched.

Bill furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Richie. Now Richie was concerned. The thing that Bill noticed that Richie couldn't was the Eddie was crying. Eddie cried a lot but never without reason. Bill scooted closer to Eddie and smiled, "A-a-are you okay?" Eddie motioned to Bill to come closer and whispered in his ear. Bill nodded and looked to his friends, "We'll be back in a second." Bill grabbed Eddie's hand and the two of them walked off.

The two boys walked by the entrance of the woods, Bill looked and Eddie with concern. "W-w-what's wrong E-Eddie?" Eddie looked up at his friend and wiped tears from his eyes. "M-Mom got a c-call from the doctor...he said I'm going to die. I don't know when, or why! All I know is that I'm going to die."

Bill didn't believe this for a second, he knew Eddie's mom was full of shit. Of course he wasn't going to say that to him. "W-Well we should m-m-make the most of your d-days!"Bill said happily. Eddie nodded in agreement. Honestly there was no point of moping around and doing nothing. Time to make the most of his last days alive.

Eddie and Richie were sitting in Eddie's small bedroom and working on homework as requested from Eddie. Only Bill knew that Eddie was dying and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn't want his friends to treat him differently. Richie looked over and saw a little notebook on Eddie's desk. He smirked and quickly grabbed it, "Does little Eddie have a diary?"

Eddie's head shot up and his eyes went wide seeing Richie with the notebook. "N-no! Who has a diary?" He nervously laughed and grabbed onto the book.

Richie pulled it back and opened it to read the first page, "Dear Diary, my mother put me on new medication to, 'cure my illness' I think that I'll be okay though. I don't think being...gay, is an illness." Richie closed the book slowly and handed it back to him. He bit his lip and glanced back at his homework.

"Richie...P-please don't be upset with me...Oh god, you hate me now don't you?" Eddie frowned a looked at his friend with concern.

Richie looked at him and grabbed his hand. "Eddie no! I could never be upset with you because you're gay. I'm gay as hell!" He laughed and pulled his friend into a tight hug. "Don't think so low of me again."

Eddie nodded and apologized, "I-I'm sorry..." he closed his eyes in the hug and nuzzled into Richie's neck. He was so glad he had a friend like him. If Richie knew how Eddie really felt...he'd hate him forever. The two boys pulled back and went back to doing their homework.

Richie waved to Eddie's Mom with a smile on his face, "See you later Miss K!" Richie gave Eddie another tight hug before he left the little house. Eddie closed the door and sighed softly. He missed having Richie around already.

"Is he the reason why you're sick? Did he infect your mind?" Eddie's mom asked. Eddie shook his head and walked towards his mother, "I-I'm not sick! Being gay isn't an illness!" He said trying really hard not to shout.

Eddie's Mom glared at him and pointed to the direction of his room. Eddie nodded and sprinted to his room in fear of his mom hitting him. He closed his door and frowned he just wanted his friend here with him. Richie always knew how to make him feel a lot better.

That night he didn't sleep much, the thoughts of Richie constantly played in his mind like a movie. He got up from his bed and snuck outside to go to Richie's house. He reached his hand up to the door to knock when he heard loud screaming and yelling. Eddie heard a loud thump and flinched. The door opened and a teary-eyed, red faced Richie stood there and looked at the smaller boy.

"W-what are you doing here?" He wiped the tears form his eyes and tried not appear too upset.

"Richie...are you okay?" Eddie said with concern. Richie nodded and grabbed Eddie's hand, leading him away from the house. They walked around for a little while before they stopped in the park.

"Eddie?" Richie scooted closer to Eddie and put his hand on the one that belonged to the smaller boy. Eddie blushed a little and looked up at him. Richie looked at him and cupped the boys face. He leaned in and pressed their lips together.

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