Chapter One

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Today is my first official day back at school. I haven't been at school for so long because of dance and travel but when Tessandra opened a dance school awhile ago I finally decided to sign up, my parents think it will be good for me but I don't really know how to feel about it. Anyways I get ready for the day I straighten my hair which I really only do for special events so I decided to do it today. I head down stairs and start to make some cereal, I am no chef not a chef at all I can burn water for all I care. I start walking to school because it's only a 10 minute walk and it's not like I don't exercise but it's good for you I guess. I finally make it to school and I head to the office to get my schedule and working the office today was luckily Tessandra. I told her hi and she said it was lovely to see me and we basically caught up. Tessandra hasn't taught a class in a while and I also haven't taken a class in the industry recently. She hands me my schedule and I have English first period then Science, then  30 minute break, then History, then Math, lunch,  and finally dance! 

-First Period-

I walk into English and since it was my first period of the day. The teacher name was Ms. Hernandez and she talk about a project about learning to trust someone and showing them the real you. She said that the project was up to us but since it is a dance school we should probably choreograph a dance. She said that we have to pair up. Great just great it's my first day of school and I need to have a partner. I don't even know anybody! Everyone has their partner and I'm alone.  What a great way to start a school year! I basically sat there for around 8 minutes and a boy walked in and started talking to the teacher about why he was late and he said something about his alarm didn't go off and he was really sorry. Then Ms. Hernandez asked who didn't have a partner and she kind of already knew I think cause she look directly at me and she told him to work with me. He was kind of confused at first but figured it out eventually. He sat down in the seat next to me and just by looking at him I could tell he was popular.  Hi! my name is Sean he said What's your name? I told him my name was Kaycee. Are you new? he asked. Yeah I said today's my first day and just my luck we have a project! Then he stopped me mid sentence and asked me what the project was about. I simply told him that it was about learning to trust someone and showing them the real you. She recommended that we do a dance since we are dancers. He said that would be okay with him and he asked for my schedule and it turns out that we have all our classes together. He asks me first what period I have dance and I told him 7th and he was shocked cause he also had that period. He replied to it with a starters class is fun right? I told him that I wasn't in that class I told him in in Tessandra's class. Yet again he goes shocked cause he's also in that class. I told him that I've done multiple of her classes before and that she's a family friend now. Then the bell rings.

-skip to lunch cause your author is very lazy-

I sat at a table in the corner it was pretty big so I looked very small sitting all by myself. Then a girl walks up to me and starts speed talking. She said that her name was Bailey and that if her other friends came and saw her sitting there they would get mad and she said sorry and she kept saying that is nothing personal but by the time she finished her other friends came. There was two guys one was turned around and the other was kinda tall or i'm short it could be both but he said his name was Kenneth and that I would need to move before their other friend came. The other friend turned around as soon as he was done talking. And to my surprise it was Sean. Hey Kaycee he said. Hi Sean I say back to him and Bailey looks super confused. She said that you guys know each other? Umm yeah he said she's in all my classes and she is my partner on the english project he said. She is even in our dance class he adds. Then Bailey stops him and she asks for my instagram. I told he that it's kayceericeoffical. She asks official? I quickly tell her I have some crazy followers. She doesn't answer and stares then she screams at me YOU HAVE 7.9 MILLION FOLLOWERS. I respond with a Yeah I've known Tessandra for a while so I'm in the company so that's how I got that. Wow she says! I have a feeling we are gonna be best friends.

-skip to dance cause yet again your author is lazy-

It was time for my favorite class of the day dance! Bailey and her friends where all in that class with me so we all headed over Bailey and Ken in the front and Sean and I in the back like I said I could tell they were popular and so we were getting a lot of stares like a lot I started to feel a bit uncomfortable and I think the whole group noticed because Bailey screamed THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE it helped a little but not a ton. I'm pretty sure Sean noticed cause he took me to the side and whispered to me that if we want we could text Tessandra we were gonna be late because of crowds. I nodded to him but then I told him its alright. He nodded and we went back through the crowd and finally made it to class. I saw Tessandra and ran up to her and we hugged. How's it been little one she says. I huff Tessaaaa you know I don't like that. She quickly responds with a that's why I do it munchkin, how did you handle the crowds she asked. I told her it was a little much. So she said okay little munchkin head back to your friends now. I huff again and walk back to Bailey, Sean, and Ken. Ken starts talking. YOU CAN CALL HER TESSA he literally screams at me. Of course I say can't everybody? No we can't Bailey explains. She strictly has us call her Tessandra or Miss. I sigh really loudly and it bring stares again but this time I ignore it. Tessandra starts talking about we are going to be doing solo's then the duets to the song Telephone by Lady Gaga. She first calls up the soloists. Chloe then Julian and then another girl named Riley. Then duets first was Bailey and Ken they were fire!! The a girl named Tahani and Josh they were also very good. I already knew I wasn't going to get called up because Tessandra knows about me and my old partner and how he left me for a girl named Tati. So when she called up Sean we all expected it to be a solo. Can I have Sean and my little munchkin please were Tessandra's exact words. I was shocked she called me mainly because I haven't danced a duet in 3 years. And if I'm correct that's a long time. And plus I barely know this guy. So we danced.

+  and I have to say it wasn't terrible for my first duet in years.

W/C- 1137

A/N- Let's pretend that in that duet in the beginning it is not freaking adorable to watch 

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