Chapter 9

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-Sean's POV-

"Miss Rice has Anemia." The doctor said. Everyone all broke down crying I think from tears of happiness that it isn't cancer. "Who brought her here?" he asks. Me an Tati raise our hands. "You guys can go first to see her she probably won't respond but if she does let me know" He says and walks away. We walk into the room to see Kaycee hooked up to a breathing tube and hade three different IV's in her arm. "Oh my god Kayc" Tati starts to say but starts crying in the process. "Hey Kaycee what's with us and the first day of school and always ending up in the hospital?" I ask her. I walked around her bed while Tati stayed at the foot of the bed talking to her. We both grabbed her hands and kept talking to her like she was there and it was normal. "Kayc I know you're there and we know you're gonna survive this if you can hear me please which I know you are please squeeze mine or Tati's hand please Kaycee" I say a smidge just above a whisper. Me and Tati both stopped talking for a while and just sat there with Kaycee and then she squeezed me and Tati's hand. At first I thought I was it was my imagination till I realized Tati felt it too. I started screaming for the doctor and two girls ran in checked her monitor and did some test and they told us she was sleeping and everyone else came in and visited. Kaycee and my family had to leave since they all had work tomorrow so it was just the gang that stayed over plus the teachers. "So what are we gonna do until Kaycee wakes up?" Bailey asks while scrolling on her phone. "Why don't we watch videos of baby Kaycee dance?" Tricia says. We all agree and Tricia hooks up her phone to the T.V. "Tric remember when we called her Munchie and she would punch us every time we did!" Tessandra says. "Of course I remember that she would bruise us more then her point shoes bruised her!" Tricia says back. "Weirdest dance teachers ever" Matt said. We were able to successfully hook up the phone to the T.V. and we watched a bunch of baby Kaycee dancing videos.

"Those where the cutest things ever!" Tati screams. "I remember when she was little after working on 'Favorite Things' she ran into my studio and started crying because she couldn't get the turn sequence right" Matt laughs. "I remember that too! She came back to the studio the next day and when she couldn't do it she started laughing saying 'Matt told me that laughing is the best medicine for everything.' and then missed it again and started crying" JoJo said. I whisper to my friends. "Is it weird watching our teachers talk about our friend?" I ask them. "I mean I guess but I mean she's like their kid" Tahani says. "I agree with Sean though" Bailey says. We stop the discussion early and went back to starring at our teachers reminiscing old times. "Munchie was so cute!" Tricia says and all of a sudden Kaycee woke. "I heard that!" She screams and punches Tricia and Tessandra. "Well some one is awake and full of energy at 2 am" I say. "Well ya know I've been asleep for like 5 hours Shamu it's time for me to wake up now!" She says smiling. "Ah Ms. Rice your awake! So as you may or may not know you do have Anemia which is the loss of red blood cells. So in order for you to live a normal life you need to take a pill every morning after you eat breakfast" The doctor said as soon as he walked in. Then a younger lady walked in took Kaycee off the IV but kept the breathing tube on and checked the heart monitor and said "You will be staying the night and you will be released tomorrow around 12 but doctors orders to take it easy and not to dance for three days, if you need anything my names Holly" she finished and smiled sweetly and left.

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A/N-It's not a super long chapter mainly just a filler so next one will be her recovery and hopefully it will be longer! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! BAII

-Faith :)

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