Chapter 15

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-Kaycee's POV-

"No I am not going to where that I know it's a girl!" Sean groans as I throw him a shirt. "Sean Lew you don't own any pink!" I told him and threw him a different shirt. "Kayc come on you can't find something?" he whines. "I mean you have to semi dress up so maybe I can ask Gabe you guys are relatively the same height" I said and walked out. "Hey Gabe you have a pink polo shirt?" I asked him and he nodded so I followed him. "So he think's it a girl right?" he asked me. "And you think it's a boy" I told him. "You bet I do I know for a fact it's a boy" Gabe said confidently. "I wouldn't be so sure" I told him and patted his shoulder. "Here" I tossed Sean the shirt and he put it on immediately. "Mental reminder to thank Gabe" he smiled and hugged me. "When you mean mental reminder you mean Kaycee set a reminder" I joke at him and he nods. "Now what will I wear?" I ponder my part of the closet. I have lot's of clothes in Sean's closet because of those late nights we are working on dance projects or that I just don't feel like leaving his house. "Do you still have that champagne jumpsuit I left here a while ago?" I shout into his room. "Yeah top shelf!" he yelled back and of course it was on the top shelf. This should be interesting. The top shelf there really is only two ways for me to get up there climb up or scream for Sean. I deiced I'm just going to climb up. "Got it" I mumbled to myself and had trouble getting down and I landed on my butt. "Kayc you good?" Sean asked me as he walked in and ruffled my hair. "Hey! I just straightened it!" I groan. "It's alright Ricebowl you can re do it later" he smiles at me and I groan again. As soon as he left I pulled on the jumpsuit but couldn't zip the back. "Shamu!!" I yelled and he came running in. "Yes I'll zip it" he sighed and came to zip my back. "You look great angel" he whispered to me. "You don't look so bad yourself Shamu" I said and turned to him and put my head in his chest. "Okay lovebirds we have to head out!" Josh came in and started dragging us out. "Who's driving?" I asked hoping it wasn't me. "Sean your driving" Gabe yelled and tossed him the car keys. We met the girls outside of our apartment complex and everyone grabbed their partner and we got in the car. "I call AUX" I yelled and hoped in the front seat. "Not fair her boyfriend is driving! So why does she automatically get AUX and shotgun" Tati mumbled. "He's not my boyfriend" I roll my eyes at her childish behavior. "Speaking of which how did you guys even get engaged your not wearing a ring Kayc" Josh asked us. "Your right I'm not because I hate rings he got me a necklace instead" I smiled at the thought. "Awwww" all the girls squealed. "Girls" they boys rolled their eyes. I plugged in my phone to the AUX and started scrolling till I found the song Way I Do and played. "Really Kayc you gotta do that to me" Sean groans. "Shamu it's been years!" I said and patted him. "And plus I helped choreograph too so I feel bad too but it's a good song" I giggled at the thought of us on World Of Dance. They rest of the ride was a nice comfortable silence until we arrived at the party.

"Hey guys!" Julian waved at us to come over to him. "If you are wearing blue go to the left pink is on the right it's a competition now" Chloe explained. "Classic Deguzman's" I giggle again and Sean, Tati, and I went to the left while the rest of our friend group went to the right. "This first round consist of a musicality challenge. We will give you a song and two people will choreograph a small section of the song" Julian told us. "Okay then team blue you have Boyfriend by Ariana Grande and team pink you have Thinkin Bout You by Ciara now go!" Chloe urges us. "Okay I have a plan we are going to send you guys out since you are freakishly connected plus we have an advantage over them you two are the only official partners of our group" Tati said excited while Sean and I just nodded. "I have no idea how we are going to find out the gender of a baby like this but oh well" I sighed and Sean and I got working. 

We finished in about probably seven minutes so we just sat for a while. "Okay times up!" Julian announced and we all met in the middle. "Team blue your first" Chloe said and Gabe stepped away so that Josh and Tahani could dance. They were good but not great Josh missed an eight count but I mean it could of been on purpose. "Okay your score is 89.3" Julian told them and they nodded it's just like WOD oh god. "Next up is team pink!" Chloe squealed. "Since this team has an advantage you know well it's Sean and Kaycee they get blindfolds. "This day is just getting weirder and weirder but I accepted the blindfold and put it on and waited for the music to play. As soon as the music started playing I know it wasn't the song Thinkin Bout You it was Silence by Marshmallow. "Really guys!" Sean and I yelled while doing our WOD choreo without even realizing. "Why am I tired all of a sudden?" I asked out of breath. "Probably because you just did your World Of Dance routine" Tahani shrieked. "Not what I was expecting but okay" I said and put my hands on my legs to catch my breath. "Last challenge of the day Sean and Kaycee you sit this on out" Chloe directed us to a small area where would be sitting during this challenge. "This challenge with let you discover then gender of the baby and who's going to be the god mother and father you will be on a scavenger hunt that Sean and Kaycee helped us put together it's a bunch of hints of where to go next your first clue awaits for you in the room you can usually find Chef Lew" Julian explained and everyone took off. "You guys can sit here or come with us to follow them" Julian told us and we got up.

"Where would you find Chef Lew?" Tahani asked pacing the room. "Guys it's obvious CHEF LEW it's the kitchen!" Gabe said and ran to the kitchen. "Oh wait is this the scavenger hunt we set up like three weeks ago?" I asked Julian and Chloe and they both nodded. "I found the next clue!!" Tati screamed. "It says go to the place where Chloe found out she a mommy" Tati announced and they ran to the bathroom. "Well they are wrong" Sean laughed. "Yeah we know" Chloe and eye rolled our eyes. "That was a bust no clue and sorry Chlo we destroyed your bathroom" Tahani gave an apologetic look and caught something out of the corner of her eye. "I found the clue!" she screamed and ran to the sofa and pulled out a card. "Congrats you found the last clue now got to the room where Kaycee found out she would become a Lew" she read out loud. "He never purposed it's a trick question the last clue is with Sean and Kaycee!" Josh screamed and ran to us. "Oh right that's where we come in" I giggle and walk them to the pink nursery. "OH MY GOD IT'S A GIRL!!" Tati and Tahani screamed and hugged each other. "Man we lost the bet with Kaycee" Josh said and him and Gabe each handed me fifty dollars. "You seriously made a bet knowing you would win?" Sean gave me a look. "Of course I did do you know me?" I laughed in his face. "Cake time!!" Julian yelled.

W/C- 1388

A/N- Yeah I'm spamming the book for the next couple of days. Haha those clues suck but I mean I tried. Has anyone else realized that all the boys name except Julian have for letters. Sean, Gabe, and Josh. LIKE WHAT IN THE WORLD. Yeah I know Gabe's real name is Gabriel but I haven't seen like anyone call him that. Anyways hope you enjoyed it and I don't think Sean and Kaycee's wedding will be in the book because I just don't feel it would be interesting. Remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!

-Faith :)

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