Chapter 8

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-Kaycee's POV-

After me and Sean finished our duet I gotta admit I was so damn tired. It wasn't even that tiring but I think I was tired from swimming last night or the night before I can't really remember when we went swimming. Swimming always tires me out for the next couple of days, which is honestly weird my doctors say it's just the way my body handles things. No one really knows about this but Sean and I doubt he remembers or at least thats what I thought but I was wrong like very wrong. "Kayc I brought you some of your pills so that you left at my house from yesterday since we went swimming two days ago I think I don't know if you still need them but you look really pale so I thought I would tell you." Sean says while pulling me to his bag. I just nod and take the pills out of his bag and take 2 of them then put them back in his bag. Great they take two hours to become effective which meant two hours of feeling like crap! Yay! "Thanks Lew" I mumble. He just nods and helped me walk to Tessandra's class next but honestly I didn't feel up to dancing. I was too tired to even speak anymore. "Hey Sean, Hey Kaycee!" a super cheerful Tati walks up to us. "Hey Tati" Sean says back to her and I weakly wave. "Hey Tati can you help me get Kaycee over to that bench over there" Sean says while he points to the bench across the room. Tati nods and she puts my arm around her neck and they walk me to the bench. I'm pretty sure it took a solid 10 minutes to walk me to a bench like 10 feet away from me. My pills where supposed to be slowly starting to work but I honestly just got more tired as time went by. Tessandra walked up to Sean, Tati and I around another 3 minutes after I sat down. "Uhm guys everything good here?" She asked eyeing me. I was too weak to even get words out of my mouth or even to nod my head, so instead Sean answered for me. "Actually no I don't think everything is good here we went swimming like two days ago and the medicine she usually takes isn't working" he says. Tessa already knows about the problem because she was there when it happened for the first time. She just nods and motions for Tati and Sean to take me outside. They both nod and we slowly like very slowly walk out of the building but I just couldn't walk anymore and I collapsed.

-Tati's POV-

After first period Gabe walked over to me and asked me to offically be his dance partner! I was so excited I have been waiting for that moment for a long time my ex- partner was an asshole. I was super excited to tell Kaycee cause she knows about my crush on Gabe since we have been friends since the womb. So when we walked into Tessandra's class which is only me, Sean and Kaycee. I saw Sean trying to take Kaycee to a bench but Kaycee looked out of it. Sean asked me to help him take her over to the bench on the other side of the room. Then Tessandra aske us if everything was alright and I learned when Kaycee swims she gets tired and her meds weren't working so we were told to take her outside but the she just collpased on us. "Oh my god Kayc!" I scream. I start freaking out. "What's gonna happen to her! Is she dead? What's going on? Should I call 911!" I start saying all at the same time. "I can't have my best friend die on me!" I start threating Sean. "Tati panicing is the last thing Kaycee would want us to to I'm gonna call the paramedics and you go tell Tessandra, Tricia, Matt, and JoJo what is happening. Okay?" Sean tells me and I just nod still kind of in shock with how calm he was being. "MATT,  WILL, JOJO, TESSANDRA!!!" I start screaming there names over and over again. Matt came out first then JoJo then Will then Tessandra. "What's going on Tat?" Matt says. "It's Kaycee she collapsed on the way out of Tessandra's class Sean is calling the paramedics right now" I say and I start crying my eyes out. "Tati it's gonna be okay stay strong for her go with Sean to the hospital we are going to cancel the school day since there is only 4 more classes left and by the looks of it Tess needs to go to the hospital and meet you there we will inform her parents and siblings. We will meet you at the hospital. Okay?" JoJo says trying to calm me. I nod and run back to Sean and Kaycee seeing Sean holding Kaycee in his arms on the floor waiting for the paramedics just made me break down even more. I saw the paramedics coming as I heard an announcement. "Hey Guys this is Matt here and I would like to inform every one that school is canceled until further notice due a student and Tessandra's health problem please inform your parents and Tahani Anderson, Josh Price, Bailey Sok, Kenneth San Jose, and Gabe DeGuzman please meet all the teachers in front of the school immediately and then Sean, Kaycee, and I got into the ambulance.


"What the hell is going on?" I say to my friends. "I don't know" Gabe says "Also where are Sean, Kaycee and Tati?" we all shrug then the teachers walk out. "Okay guys as you know school is canceled due to a students health complications well that student is Kaycee she collapsed during Tessandra's class. Her Sean, and Tati are on their way to the hospital in the ambulance and you all being her best friends we fuigure you would all want to go to the hospital to meet her." We all nod and Matt contunies. "So Gabe, Josh, Ken with me and Bailey and Tahani you are going with JoJo. Everyone go!!" He finishes. Me and the guys follow Matt into his car. "Is she going to be okay?" I manage to croak out. "That's what we are going to find out dude." Gabe answers me.  "We can only hope" Ken adds. This is the first time the girls have ever seen us this emotional usally we force our emotions down to help them but not this time. Kaycee was everyones sunshine she made everyone happy no one knows how to live with out her.

-Tahani's POV-

In the past 10 minutes we found out that school is canceled and Kaycee is in the hospital. This has been one of the craziest Mondays ever. We met the boys at the hospital and we saw them crying? "What happened" I ask them. "Nothing much but we don't know what's wrong with her yet they said the only answers they can get from her right now in this vegaitive state is that her heart is okay she's on a breathing tube and she either has cancer or anemia" Tati says which makes all of start crying including the boys even Sean. 

-Around 7 hours later-

-Sean's POV-

Everyone deiced to spend the night at the hospital because of the crisis even all the teachers were staying but still no sign of Kayc waking up. Tati and I can't help but think it was our fault or that there was something we did but we both know it's not our fault as much as we feel it is. My parents and Kaycee's parents come running in together. "WHERE IS MY SISTER!!" Kylie comes in screaming and crying at the same time. I motion for the two families to meet me outside so that I can explain to them what's going on. I take a deep breath and explain everything. "As we all know Kaycee has always had a hard time swimming then causing her to be tired for a couple of days afterword" I start and they all no for me to contunie. "Well when she slept over at my house with everyone we went swimming and she was tired but not severly so she never took the medicication. Then we danced at school and she got really tired and pale. So she took the medicine and it didn't work she eventually got more tired as they day went on and collapsed on her way out of Tessandra's class. The doctors told us from what they can get in a vegative state that she is in she either has anemia or.." Before I can even finish I start crying and Serris hugs me. Me knowing how close Serris and Kaycee were I hugged her too. Then I got the guts to say the last part. "Or cancer" I croak out and everyone starts crying. "I'm sorry I left her for 4 years without an explanation you all probably hate me" I say while still crying. "Sean we know that you were being blackmailed and you didn't want Kaycee getting hurt" Laura tell me with soft eyes. I walk up to hug her and the whole family joins and we start crying all together. We walk back into the hospital with big red puffy eyes all still hugging each other. When the doctor comes out. "Ms. Rice has woken up for a couple of minutes and then fell back into a vegative state and we were able to gather the information we needed."

"Ms. Rice has..."

W/C- 1662

A/N- Sorry for lack of updating this book but I ran out if ideas but I have so many now!! Also sorry for the cliffhanger haha... What do you guys think Kaycee has? Cancer or Anemia? For those of you who don't know what Anemia it is a decrease in the total amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, or a lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen. When anemia comes on slowly, the symptoms are often vague and may include feeling tired, weakness, shortness of breath, and a poor ability to exercise. When the anemia comes on quickly, symptoms may include confusion, feeling like one is going to pass out, loss of consciousness, and increased thirst. Anemia must be significant before a person becomes noticeable. This chapter was kind of inspired by me. I don't have Anemia but after I swim I do get really tired for a long period of time to the point I don't wanna get out of my bed. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope it makes up for the lack of updates to this book.

-Faith :)

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