Chapter 16

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-Kaycee's POV Quite a Time Skip After Their Wedding-

Finally no more things to do and everyone can just sit a home and relax. My wedding was amazing! It was at the most beautiful enchanted garden ever. All my friends were in champagne and blue and it was just gorgeous plus Sean didn't make the wedding cake! Tate, Tahani, Chloe, and Kylie were my bridesmaids while Tati was my maid of honor. I couldn't of asked for a better ceremony. "Kayc!! Get up!!" Tahani said jumping on my bed. "Ow T you hit my stomach!" I groan and clutch my stomach. "Sorry but come on we are all going to the mall!" she said cheerily. "Do we have too?" I asked her and she nodded. "Oh come on it won't be that bad! Plus it's a group gathering" she added. She seemed so excited and I didn't want to ruin that joy for her so I just nodded and got changed into a Weirdo Lewser cross merch thing it was a long sleeve shirt since I mean well I get cold and I grabbed Lewser hoodie. These cloths were my safe heaven. I walked down stairs to see everybody already down their eating including the boys and it smelled delicious. "So Sean cooked I'm guessing?" I asked them and they all nodded. "I still don't understand why nearly all of us are either married or together yet we still live boys with boys and girls with girls plus why didn't anyone ask if I cooked?" Josh said with a mouth full of food. "Well Josh for one you are almost as bad as a cook as Kaycee is and two well we just never thought about it" Tati shrugged it off. "Actually I have been thinking" I said and they all turned to me so that I can procced. "What if instead of moving in separately since splitting KayHanAti is a crime and Kylie is in the business why not all of us move into one big house together and split rent since Kylie's houses come fully furnished with water, power, and gas bills not needed to be payed" I suggested and put my plate in the sink. "Actually I have been thinking about it too and that sounds ideal plus we could get Serris to help us negotiate with Kylie them being best friends and all" Sean said in agreement with me. "Well then it's settled no mall today just house hunting call Kylie and Serris" Gabe said with the final decision and we all cheered.

"My little sister!!" Kylie and Serris both screamed and hugged me. "Hey guys" I laugh and return the hug. "Woah it's been a hot minute since we last saw each other" Kylie laughed and ruffled my hair. "One people need to stop doing that and two we all saw each other like a month ago at my wedding remember?" I said with an obvious tone. "That was a month ago when you were a Rice. Now you are a Rice-Lew sorta thing. "Nope still a Rice. Sean and I agreed Kaycee Rice-Lew was to complicated and he doesn't want to stop calling me Ricebowl" I giggled thinking about it. "Well anyways we have three properties to show you" Kylie said handing Sean and Gabe each a folder.  "The folder with Gabe has the costs and all that stuff and Sean's folder has pictures of the houses" Serris explained to us. "Since when did you start working with Kylie?" Tati asked Serris suspiciously. "Uhm since the night after the Gati wedding" Serris said looking back at her thoughts. "Okay then I say we start with this property since it is in the middle between here and the normal studio we teach at" Josh suggested and we all nodded and got in the car. "So what made you guys want to buy a house together?" Kylie asked us and we all looked at each other. "It was kind of an impulsive decision we were supposed to go to the mall today" Tahani told her and she nodded accordingly. "Kaycee you were impulsive?!" Kylie asked me shocked. "Not really I have been thinking about it for a while so I just suggested it" I shrugged and went back to scrolling on my phone. "That sounds more like Kaycee" Serris chuckled with my sister. "So this property is currently going for about a million and it is fully furnished. Six rooms six baths" Kylie told us. "It also has some attractions like a pool, a bowling alley, movie theater, and a dance studio, plus a garage." Serris explained to us. "You guys can go ahead and take a look" they both nudged us so we all went inside. As soon as we stepped inside I could tell this was our house. "This is it isn't it" Sean pondered. "I think it is" I giggled and walked around the kitchen. "Wow they did good" Tahani laughed and followed us. "Yeah this is unbelievable" Josh said in awe. "We have a winner" Gabe said as he found his bedroom and the rest of us found ours. Mine was connected to Tati's and Sean's was across from mine connected to Gabe and Tahani and Josh were downstairs. We set our bags down and ran back downstairs. "Ky! Serr! You guys did it! We found our new home!" I scream as they walk in. "Hell yeah we did that's why we already called the property is yours" Kylie laughed and handed us paperwork for us to sign. "Now hurry there is a moving van coming to the apartment" Serris said and pushed us all into the car.

We had just finished placing all of our stuff into the van when it hit me. "This is it isn't it" I whispered. "What do you mean you aren't dying right?!" Tati looked concerned. "No I mean this is it we are closing a chapter in our lives" I giggle at Tati's silliness. "Oh you're right we have lived here for a while now" Tati spoke as it started sinking in to her. "Guys what's wrong Kylie and Serris are waiting for you" Tahani said as she ran up to us. "T we are closing a huge chapter in our lives we have been living here since we were nineteen we are twenty four now" I whispered again. "I never thought about it that way" Tahani said with a frown on her face. "Girls what is taking so long!" all the boys ran up to us to see a sad KayHanAti which rarely happens. "What's wrong guys?" Josh asked. "If you don't want to move we don't have too" Sean hugged me and I laid my head on his chest. "It's okay it's time" I silently cried. "Don't cry please" Tati begged me and I nodded. "You guys ready?" Kylie asked us and we all nodded and got into the car.

"Here you are your new home!" Serris said as she handed us our keys. "We have to get going but call us if anything!" Kylie said and walked off with Serris. "So movie and pizza?" Sean suggested. "You read my mind Shamu" I giggled and walked down to the theater room with Tati. "You guys are endgame!" Tati screamed and hopped on a bean bag.

W/C- 1218

A/N- Wattpad is extremely glitchy!!! But remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!

-Faith :)

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