Chapter 10

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-Kaycee's POV-

So it was around 11 am and I was getting ready to be discharged which I was super pumped for I missed school which is weird cause I normally don't like school at all. "You ready to go Munchie?" Tricia asked me and I nod and walk outside to see all my friends still there. "You guys didn't have to wait ya know I'm perfectly fine." I tell them but they don't listen. "Chef Lew is cooking for us today so party at your house!" Tati screamed. I look at my mom and she nods. Then we all split up Me, Sean, and Tati with my family,  Gabe, Tahani, and Josh with Matt, and Bailey and Ken with Tricia. "I can't believe they are asking me to not dance for 3 days!" I say angrily. "Well it's for your good Kayc" Kylie said to me. "Whatever" I mumble. Then Sean whispers to me "Your not gonna listen are you?". "Nope" I tell him. "Kayc please we go back Monday three days that's it you will be able to dance at school if you don't listen you might not be able to dance Monday" Sean whines. "Fine but Shamu it's Monday I can dance Thursday" I tell him and pat him on the back. "Chef Lew is cooking right?" Tati asked Sean and I laughed. "Obviously I need to make Kaycee food so that she can take her pill and get on with life" Sean laughed.

-A week later on Monday the first day back to school in JoJo's class-

"Today we are doing a routine to a piece called Not Today by Alessia Cara. Kaycee if you get tired take a break okay?" She said and I nodded all my teachers have been doing this and I'm tired of it I'm fine but it's whatever at this point. It was a JoJo Gomez choreo so it was heartfelt and I liked it. It got deep in there. Sean and I deiced we wanted to do it as a duet and not by our self plus he wanted to keep an eye on me. "Sean and Kaycee!!" JoJo called us up.

"Oh my gosh sis you okay!!??" JoJo yelled. "He hurt me!" I scream playfully. "Oh my god Kayc I'm so sorry!!" Sean says rubbing my cheek with his hand. "Sean I'm fine I swear" I laugh. "I'm soooooooooo sorry!!!" He kept saying over and over and over again. "Shamu I'm serious I'm okay" I smile. "Fine Ricebowl but I'm cooking for you after school then" He says and I smile. "Guys Sean's cooking afterschool at Kaycee's house!!" Julian yelled and it caught all of our friends attention and they all come running up to us. "Guys it's nothing he cooks for me everyday" I shrug and so does Sean. "He never cooks for us!" Gabe says looking hurt. "Guys it's nothing he just feels bad he kicked me in the face" I say and walk to get my water.  "Are you sure that's the only reason?" Tati asks me. "No he just cooks for me everyday it's not that big of a deal guys." I say. "Oh my god you are so oblivious he likes you! and you like him!" Tahani says. I don't know do I like Sean? I mean he's my bestfriend and I don't want to ruin that but I know he's more then that to me and I start to think about every time he holds on for a beat longer and every time we "accidently" hurt each other and just laugh it off and every time he knows what's wrong. Oh who am I kidding I'm in love with my bestfriend. "We are just friends! Best Friends" I say and leave it at that.

-Sean's POV-

"So you and Kaycee dating huh?" Josh asks me. "What no! We are best friends" I say and then there is a pang in my chest but I just assume it's from the guilt when I hit her in the face with my foot. "You are so oblivious! You two like each other more then any married couple I have ever met! And I meet lot's of married couple my Mom's a wedding planner!" Julian says. Then I got thinking me liking Kaycee there is no way we are bestfriends. Just because she knows when I'm not happy and how to make me feel better and that she is my best friend and she's the only person that I can't live without and I sing her songs to bed if she needs it and I would drop anything for her doesn't mean never mind screw it I love her. I love my bestfriend. "No we are just friends that's it" I say. "Well then I think your bestfriend just dislocated her elbow" Gabe says and points behind me and I see Kaycee running towards me. "Oh my god Sean are you okay! Tati said you dislocated your elbow!" She said. "Are you okay! Gabe told me you dislocated your elbow!" I say and then it hits us both. "WHAT THE HELL GUYS" We both say at the same time. "You guys are freakishly connected" Ken says. "Hey! You quoted me I said that last week on YouTube!" I say. "On what channel and what video?" Gabe asks suspiciously. "Sean and Kaycee Twin Telepathy Pizza Challenge" Kaycee said. "Sean you suck at intro's" Bailey laughs. "And Kaycee you deserve more time on Sean Lew Approved!" Tati said. "Guys I'm the filmer with amazing skills" Kaycee says and flicks her hair and we all laugh.

-Skip to the end of the day since you have a lazy author-

-Kaycee's POV-

"I'm driving to Sean's!" I yell. "No you aren't!" Gabe yells. "Yeah I have to agree with him" Josh adds. "Kayc I love ya but not happening" Tati said. "Sorry Kayc" Bailey said. "No can do sister" Ken says. "Don't take it personally I'm not aloud to drive either Kayc" Tahani said. "I do not agree with this I'm an excellent driver!" I say angrily "Kaycee you know your my little Ricebowl and Angel so we can't have everyone dying today okay?" Sean said playing with my hair. I nod slightly still upset that my friends won't let me drive but oh well. "Why didn't we start with Sean?" Tati says. "I don't know" Gabe says and we all yell "GATI".

-Sean's House-

"So I'm not making dinner yet since it's only 3:30 so what should we do?" Sean says. "Let's play hide and seek!" Tati said a little to excited. We all nod and we start playing. "Sean and Kaycee count inside of Sean's room and the rest of us will hide count to 30 okay?" Gabe said. "Sure DeGuzman" Sean laughs and we walk into his room and we hear the door lock. "What in the world" I mumble trying to get open the door. "We aren't unlocking the door until you talk about the unspoken thing between you two!!" Tahani and Josh yell. "Whatever! You do we are going to open the door in 30 minutes so don't kill us!" Tati said and Gabe laughed. "So" I say. "Yeah" He said. "What unspoken thing do we have Sean?" I ask straight to the point. "I don't know Kaycee." He said. "It's really hard being in love with your bestfriend" I mumble. "Hmm?" He askes. "I said it's really hard to be in love with your bestfriend knowing they don't love you back!" I half scream on the verge of tears. "You don't know what you are talking about Kayc" He said with his voice cracking. "You know what's hard is being in love with your bestfriend since you were 15 but having to leave them behind so they wouldn't get killed and then regretting everything you did and mentally beating yourself up for it!" He yells and we both stay quiet for a long time. "Do you still love me?" I say through my cracking voice. "Kayc of course you're the only person with a friendship I Never Imagined I would have of course I still love you" He said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Your the one person I Never Imagined I would have either I love you too Shamu" I say and kiss him and he kissed back. It was a sweet but gentle kiss with lots of emotion and feelings. "Shamu I'm not ready for a boyfriend but I love you so much and I don't want you to leave me" I say crying. "Ricebowl it's alright I understand we don't have to be boyfriend and girlfriend and I love you more then anything I am never leaving you remember that okay? We never will have to be boyfriend and girlfriend because we are" and I cut him off. "Sean and Kaycee" I say and smile and we exit the room through the bathroom. "Hey guys!" I say and notice Sean's arm around me and I smile again. "You guys dating now?" Tahani asked us. We look at each other and smile one last time before we answer. "No we aren't"  We say at the same time and laugh at our friends shocked faces.

W/C- 1537

A/N- So seaycee is a thing sort of I have an idea I think this book will be probably about 10 -13 more chapters and that it. I love you guys!!

-Faith :)

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