Rey comes clean

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The rest of the week passed in a whirl for Rey. She was still riding high on her new found popularity and even Rose was starting to enjoy her minor celebrity status awarded to her by association.

Saturday came and both girls were super excited about Baz's party. They chatted none stop as they got ready in Rey's bedroom. Rey chucked another vest top onto the floor and growled.

'Mom! Stop wearing my clothes!' She shouted down the stairs.

'Sorry hunny!' Her mother shouted back.

Rose chuckled, 'She really should stop doing that.'

'She won't.' Rey sighed.

'Urgh! I have nothing to wear! Look at you, you look adorable!' She exclaimed, gesturing at Rose.

Rose was wearing a simple white tee tucked into a short denim skirt with a frayed hem. Her long black hair hung in gently waves down her back. Rey jealousy eyed her friend's ample chest.

'Rey, you're beautiful. You look beautiful in everything. I keep telling you this. I don't know why you won't believe me.'

Rey ignored her and returned to her closet, throwing clothes left and right.

'Ah-hah!' She said holding up a simple green spaghetti strapped dress with a flared skirt.

'Perfect!' Rose agreed with enthusiasm.

Rey shed her clothes and put the dress on.

'Do you think Finn will be there?' Rose asked shyly.

Rey smiled with her back to Rose. Her best friend had a massive crush on Finn but so far, he had failed to notice her.

'I'm sure he will be.'

She turned to face Rose and caught her letting out a long breath.

'Hey, it will be okay.' She said encouragingly. 'I bet he will notice you now.'

Rose looked Rey up and down.

'Not if I'm standing next to you, he won't.'

Rey took a look at herself in her full length mirror and twirled a little. The dress didn't suck as bad as the rest of her clothes.

'I'm taken, remember?'

'Oh yeah.' Rose said happily.

'Come on. Let's go.'


They climbed into Rey's beat up blue Corsa and on the third try, the engine finally turned over.

'Woo!' They shouted in unison.

'See? Luck is on our side tonight!' Rey said triumphantly.

When they pulled up at Baz's, both girls had nervous butterflies in their stomachs. Rey turned to Rose and smiled, she smiled back and they headed for the door. They heard loud music coming from inside, so they tried the door before knocking and found it unlocked. The house was already full of people, dancing, singing, drinking from red plastic cups, and shouting at each other about the school football team, the Fathiers. Rose and Rey looked around in awe.

'Rey! You came!' Baz was heading towards them with opens arms. The revellers cleared a path for her. Baz was wearing a tight black strapless dress that hugged her curves and stopped just above her knee. Just looking at the height of her slick black heels gave Rey vertigo.

'Hi Baz.' She said, half heartedly returning the hug Baz has enveloped her in. 'Nice party.'

'Thanks! Is Ben here?' Baz looked at Rey expectantly.

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