Wife? What Wife?!

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Rey Crossed her arms over her chest and sniffed as she walked. What an asshole! He has a wife this whole time? Okay she never actually asked him if he was single, she just assumed, but still....he should have told her! She had kissed him! She put her head in her hands. Oh god, she was a jezebel! She didn't really know what they meant.....but she most definitely was one!

She heard a car zoom around the corner.

'Rey!' Ben called out to her from the car window.

Rey looked away and kept walking. Ben pulled up alongside her and slowed down to a crawl.

'Rey come on! Let me explain....' Ben said practically hanging out of the window.

'Explain what? How she doesn't understand you? How you've grown apart? How she just doesn't do it for you in the bedroom anymore? Well you ain't getting any from me mister! I don't want to hear it! Get lost!'

Ben stopped the car and got out. He intercepted Rey's path and held her by the shoulders.

'Rey please listen! I'm not married.'

'What?' Rey looked confused. 'Are you divorced?'

'No! I'm not married, nor have I ever been married.'

'Then explain that text!' Rey shouted.

'That's just my roommate, Phaz. Rent in London is expensive! It makes sense to share the costs.'

'And you expect me to believe this?' Rey said re-folding her arms.

'This is all Poe's fault! He always refers to Phaz as my other half. Obviously he thought it would be fucking hilarious to change her listing in my phone and I'm going to show him how hilarious I thought it was later when I jam my phone down his fucking throat.'

'So..... you're really not married?' Rey said looking up at him with wide hopeful eyes.

'No! Look I'll prove it.' Ben got out his phone and started a new text to Phaz.

Phaz I'm trying to prove a point here, could you please confirm that we are not and never have been married?

They waiting a moment and then a reply buzzed up on the screen.

Nope. Never married, and never will be. I love you Benny boy but you are not my type at all..... I prefer my men much younger and much prettier. No offence! Don't forget my food please. Xxx

Rey looked at the screen and laughed, 'I feel like such an idiot...I shouldn't have even been looking at your phone....'

Ben shrugged, 'It's okay, you wanna walk for a while?'

'Sure.' Rey said with a smile.

They walked side by side neither one speaking. Ben had his hands plunged into his pockets. Rey rubbed her arms as the cool air nipped at her skin.

'Are you cold?' Ben asked.

Rey shrugged, 'just a little.'

'I don't have a coat to give you.....' Ben said with a frown, then he took her hand in his and brought them to his lips. He breathed hot air onto her palms then tucked her close to his body under one arm.

Rey felt her pulse hitch. God this guy had a direct line to her heart.


'Better.' Rey said. He was all hard muscle. She felt her body react as heat pooled between her legs. A thousand images ran through her head, maybe her fake boyfriend would be happy to help her achieve a real orgasm? If she asked him real nice? Okay, find a safer subject....

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