Ben makes a choice and Rey takes a risk

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Ben had good intentions of sticking to his guns. He really did. It was a stupid request after all. Pretend to be her boyfriend? Even if he had dreamt about taking hold of her and kissing her senseless all night, he wasn't a lap dog. He didn't do requests.

Then he reached the hall and he saw her sitting there in that tight little black dress, looking like a fucking fantasy come to life but her expression was so sad and he felt like a giant prick because he could have made her smile and he chose not to.

Then some cocky jock had slipped into the seat next to her and the hair had stood up on the back of his neck. He watched as the boy tried to engage her in conversation and Ben noted with satisfaction that Rey didn't look interested.

Why don't you fuck off? She doesn't want you boyo. He thought to himself. 'Boyo?' Really? That's the kind of man he was now? One who used words like 'boyo?'

Then the 'boyo' touched her. He actually reached out and touched her and something in Ben's brain that has been dormant, suddenly switched on. Some primal need to lay a claim on her. To protect her from the 'boyo' but also to mark her as his, and against his better judgement, against his own resolve to stay out of it because he didn't need the fucking hassle of some school girl drama thank you very much, he practically marched across the hall and pressed his lips lightly against hers. The room that had previously been full of chatter went completely silent around them. As he pulled away, he pointedly turned to the ass in the chair next to her and locked eyes with him. The boy sensibly avoided his gaze and looked down at his notes.

That's right junior, know your place. He thought smugly.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds, then he walked away and started the lesson like nothing had happened. He was glad to have the podium in front of him to hide his arousal. That few little seconds had given him a whole lot of hard on. He glanced at Rey as he spoke. She was looking directly at him with her lips slightly apart. She looked vaguely shocked. God she was hot. He would have to avoid looking at her again if he wanted to get through his talk. It was unavoidable now that she would want to talk later and he didn't have a clue what he was going to say to her.

Why did I kiss you? Erm, because A boy touched your arm? Reasonable.

As he continued with his lecture, he tried not to notice her rubbing her thighs together in her seat. He swallowed tightly. It was going to be a bloody long day.

Rey was glad the lecture had started and she wasn't required to talk because her mind was a complete blank. She sat in her seat silently stunned and thoroughly turned on. Such a quick kiss. Barely even a kiss really and yet she felt lit up inside. What had changed his mind? Did it even matter? Her heart flipped. He had kissed her in front of everyone! He had saved her! She sighed. He was her hero, her knight in shining armour, the Heathcliff to her Cathy, the Darcy to her Elizabeth. Okay now she was getting carried away. Still he had chosen to participate in her little charade, which probably meant he was at least a little bit interested in her. She squealed internally.

She barely heard a word Ben said from them on out and spent the entire lecture fawning over him. When he dismissed the class, she felt her heart kick into overdrive at the prospect of being alone with him once more. Rose suddenly appeared from the back of the hall. She looked at Rey with wide eyes and mouthed, 'OMG'. Obviously she had arrived in time to witness Ben's very public display of affection towards her. Rey mouthed back 'I know!'

'I'll catch up with you.' Rey said pointedly.

Rose nodded knowingly and raised her eyebrows.

Rey pretended to sort through her notes until the hall had cleared out. Then she approached the podium where Ben was packing up.

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